You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Are you finished editing your post now?


No, I’ll probably delete it in awhile.

You’re alright a mhac


You did have issues with it and now you’re squirming Fluvio style looking for a bullshit excuse.

The truth is you didn’t like it being highlighted because it upset your agenda.

Are the new restrictions entirely based on the new variant so?

Pitiful stuff from you. Stay scouring twitter for stories of kids in A&E with their frightened parents to support your Internet arguments, maybe one day you will hit the jackpot and one of them will be really ill.

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The lads are digging in for a late shift. Good night.

Pitiful stuff, eh? That’s a laugh, you should read your own posts back, not my problem if you don’t like being called out on bullshit.

The problem is you’ve demonstrated you only think in terms of internet arguments, like a lot of posters here - when a bit of humanity comes into things it disturbs the OIUTF agenda which depends on erasing any humanity and real lived experience from debate.

It’s pretty pathological when you think about it for about 1.2 seconds.

Its gamesmanship between Nphet and the coalition at this point. It was FF themselves who pushed back today, Nphet were looking for much hasher measure than the ones introduced. They made a power play last night with the backdrop of last Christmas in peoples minds. The Govt caught them on the hop by respnding as quickly as they did so I’d expect Nphet to have another crack at it if not next week then the week after. The dreaded Omicron suits both parties at this point


You were the one who didn’t even have enough concern for the child to check back to find any updates. You just saw a child was taken to A&E by their concerned parent and your eyes lit up. Now that you have been exposed, and it’s confirmed that the child needed no medical assistance on the day, you are trying to save face by throwing slurs about at those who had a human reaction to the story. You’re a dangerous sort.


Jokes aside mate, this craic of opening up and locking down again could be on the cards for the next 3 or 4 years. Are publicans just going to be pacified with a few bob?

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No they will be seething I’d say

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Its a load of bollix. Tell your TD the same.


cc @Bandage, the full gamut of pronouns are getting the run out.

how is the cardinal’s “letter” delivered?
is it courier to Steo’s desk or is just emailed on?
I’d say its an absolute humdinger of a thing altogether .Donnelly reeling…id say Hoolahan writes it himself as well, doesn’t look like a fella who’d use a scribe

An old school wax seal on it with his own special stamp on it


The parent did it for attention, covid likes on the internet, and the doctor sent her home with her tea in her mug.

There’s 3 or 4 years of this left in Ireland, that much is very clear under the current regime

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Lads scouring the Internet for stories about children dying from covid, hoping they die. Its beyond fucked


From Blue Hugh O’Connell.

Ministers have agreed new measures to stop senior health officials appearing in the media without the Government press office’s approval, as fresh tensions have emerged over the latest round of Covid restrictions.

Chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan and the National Public Health Emergency Team’s (Nphet) head of modelling Philip Nolan both faced criticism by the Taoiseach, Tánaiste, and senior ministers. It came over the manner in which their latest advice to reintroduce some restrictions on household visits, hospitality, and live events emerged through leaks on Thursday night following the public health team’s meeting.

The Government and its public health advisers clashed at what multiple sources said was a tense and at times ill-tempered meeting of the Cabinet sub-committee on Covid-19 yesterday.

Two sources at the meeting claimed Leo Varadkar said Nphet had now become a “political organisation”, although the Tánaiste is understood to be disputing this account.

Mr Varadkar did publicly call for an external review of Nphet’s modelling, saying it would be “useful” given that regularly the group’s “most optimistic models have been too pessimistic”.

“I think a peer review or external review would be welcome,” he added.

Mr Varadkar also said it was “hard to understand” and “hard to explain” why the Government was introducing restrictions while cases numbers and hospitalisations were decreasing.

However, he said the threat of the Omicron variant coupled with Christmas socialising and the traditional winter flu meant the new restrictions were necessary.

The Irish Independent understands there was some discussion at the sub-committee meeting if the emergence of Nphet advice on Thursday night should now be the subject of a leak investigation.

Ministers Paschal Donohoe, Catherine Martin and Helen McEntee are all understood to have criticised the emergence of Nphet advice via journalists on Twitter on Thursday night.

Mr Donohoe pointed out he was on the floor of the DĂĄil dealing with the Finance Bill when he heard about the Nphet advice.

It has also been noted that Health Minister Stephen Donnelly was in the DĂĄil dealing with hotel quarantine legislation on Thursday night when he did not even have the Nphet letter from Dr Holohan as the leaks began to emerge. At the tense and hastily arranged Cabinet sub-committee meeting early yesterday, Mr Donohoe is understood to have intervened a second time believing his issue about leaks had not been responded to by Dr Holohan.

One participating described it as a “pretty intense meeting”.

The chief medical officer is understood to have told the Coalition leaders, ministers and senior officials that neither he nor anyone who worked on the formal letter to Mr Donnelly could have been the source of the leak.

The CMO has had long standing concerns about leaks from Nphet meetings and

specifically emphasised the need to avoid leaking at both the start and the end of the Nphet meeting on Thursday.

At a meeting of the full Cabinet yesterday to agree the new public health measures, ministers also agreed all communications should now be managed and co-ordinated centrally through the Government Information Service, the official name for the Government press office.

This will include “co-ordinating all media by civil and public servants and members of advisory bodies in respect of Covid-related matters”, according to the Cabinet memo.

Ministers speaking privately afterwards said this was an effort to counteract recent examples of Nphet members going on radio and television and giving messaging that varied from the Government.

“No ambiguity,” a senior Government source said last night. “If anyone goes against the decision, they will be going against a Government decision.”

A number of media comments made by Nphet officials in recent times have raised eyebrows.

Just this week, Dr Holohan’s office sent out a press release telling parents to avoid allowing children attend birthday parties, play dates and other indoor events. It came shortly after ministers decided their advice was for parents to limit a child’s socialising to one of these activities per week.

The deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn also created a headache for the Government in recent days when he claimed public health officials never said schools were a safe environment.

Ministers had for months cited Nphet advice on the issue and there were multiple examples of officials suggesting that schools were a safe environment.

Dr Glynn previously urged people to work from home when the official policy was for companies to undertake a gradual return to the office.

Another controversy arose when Mr Nolan suggested a supermarket should sell snake oil alongside antigen tests.

In another interview last October, Mr Nolan suggested leaving the house with Covid symptoms should be seen in the same socially unacceptable light as drink-driving.