You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I honestly believe you should take your own advice ref another poster needing a therapist if you actually believe that.

Be great if that holds true. :+1:

Can’t keep my mind off it. Saw a news report of footage of the poor lad the day he died. He was struggling to walk. It’s absolutely heartbreaking.

Covid and lockdowns put him under the same roof as the piece of shite that murdered him.

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credit where it’s due , my kids school allow a treat on a Friday only …there’s also the food dudes who come in and got them thinking about the importance of fruit and veg … worked wonders with my eldest …


Tony Holohan is an odious prick. His handling of the cervical cancer crisis should have been enough to have him fucked off but Ireland doesn’t work like that.


Great news


Some fellas on here will be gutted with the news.


I’d say they will be searching Twitter all evening for any bad news at all to cheer themselves up


But the Noway Christmas party he will say with energised glee.

Working theory that Delta and a common cold virus might have had sex and produced an Omicron baby.

Does this mean we need another referendum?


I had the mother ringing me about that. I haven’t been watching RTE news so I’d no idea what she was talking about.

The omicron variant might finish covid 19. Important therefore to close the borders and rely on a dodgy injection and some mask/lockdown type religious observance

We’re fucked. Women will be fine

Masks only for males in senior infants

Yep. Not a hope of anything being open in 2 weeks (even outside only) if what they’re reporting to be true. Less harmful strain of course, but that doesn’t seem to be taken into any consideration.

Can’t imagine that happening to be honest. Id say there will be no more restrictions unless hospitalisations fly up


Up you hole jacinda

I find all the most accurate information comes from WhatsApp screen shots