You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Is down not good anymore? Is up the new good?

Big and significant drop is hospital numbers, consistently for a few weeks now. Presumably linked to booster roll-out.

Case numbers stagnant and considered to be “high” (but sure what odds?)

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They’re trying to head off Christmas socialising I suppose.

Variant aside there doesn’t seem to be any need or reason for more restrictions. But in fairness we’ve been here before, you can see why they’d err on the side of caution.

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Yeah I caught an immunologist on RTE drive time the other day and she was puzzled by the then proposed restrictions as serious sickness and even deaths are a backlog of numbers from 2-6 weeks ago

Hospital numbers down 197 since last Monday week at 487 now Nolan’s magic numbers had us at 800-1000 at an optimistic scenario around now. I can’t understand how it’s taken till now for the government to question his modelling.


His latest modelling which prompted the current restrictions has case numbers hitting 15k per day in a pessimistic scenario.


I read a comment on reddit saying that hospital numbers are about 200 below what they were in 2019 (pre covid) and I’ve seen comments on here that Tony wanted lockdowns for flu waves in the past.

This is my big problem with the whole thing. That I just don’t trust Tony Holohan and I think he would prefer to lock us down forever.

I-Robot seemed like passable entertainment when it came out in 2004, now it seems to me like some of the most prescient science fiction ever. Isaac Asimov was a great writer.

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Based on current capacity you’d need the positivity rate to be over 50% to get that figure.

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While I think his modelling is fairly bollox and I think Nolan is the biggest arsehole of the lot of them and am loathe to defend him, there was a change in the restrictions in the intervening period, so the figures now can’t fairly be compared back to his predictions which would have been based on a scenario without those restrictions being introduced.

You need to find better information sources mate.

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The forum’s cap doffers seething with FFG for doffing their caps to NPHET. An organisation they set up to take the blame for the incoming shitshow.


Anyone want to translate this gibberish?

I know people might be cancelling some nights out etc but we currently have an almost completely open society. What the fuck is he at ?


Whats Tony’s next move after the gagging order? He’s going ballistic today I’d say


He’ll just break it.

That’s great news for the patients, families & the staff of the hospitals.

Can we take that info as a matter of fact to back up a certain position?
For example, how long have those people being released home being in the setting?

Would you say that it’s a sign of following?,

  • virus is waning?
  • general public starting to limit their interactions?

The info Conor feeds there is so open to differing opinions depending on which side of this cunt of fence lads perch themselves upon.

Conor likes to drive home the hospital release numbers but it must be reasoned as to how those people ended up in there & why too imo.

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Lovely :grinning: