You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Joe Joe Joe Joe

Theyā€™re already self isolating anyway so itā€™s a hippothetical question really

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Boys, Iā€™m just going to say now, we canā€™t keep up 1,000+ posts a day for the next 10 years of this.

Itā€™s a marathon not a sprint.


Todayā€™s Sunday times,ā€¦

The latest report from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) shows that of the 552 people admitted to ICU with Covid between June 27 and November 20, 57 per cent were unvaccinated. Two thirds of those unvaccinated requiring treatment in ICU were under 60 years old.

The report shows that 9.5 per cent of Covid cases detected in healthcare workers since June have been in unvaccinated workers, a total of 812 cases. The HPSC calculated that unvaccinated people were 11 more times likely to be admitted to ICU after contracting Covid.

Eoin Feeney, a consultant in infectious diseases in St Vincentā€™s hospital, said the HPSC report mirrors what doctors have seen. ā€œThe over-65 cohort is more vaccinated than the younger groups,ā€ said Feeney. ā€œThey were vaccinated earlier so there is waning immunity, and this is also a group [more likely] to have underlying conditions such as cancer or to be on immunosuppressant medication. From our experience the younger patients coming into ICU either have underlying conditions or are unvaccinated.ā€

Feeney said there was a notable number of unvaccinated people requiring treatment who are originally from eastern Europe, and statistics show there is lower uptake of vaccines among people born in the 12 countries that joined the EU in 2004 and 2007.


Thatā€™s including a time when not everyone who wanted it was vaccinated.

A few lads on here will be diving for cover after reading that.

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Two thirds of those unvaccinated in ICU under 60. I thought it only affected older people?

But but but old peopleā€¦ But but but vulnerableā€¦but but but auld flu

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Iā€™m largely agreeing with you but during the summer when icu was empty were people in there who didnā€™t really need to be in there just because there was free beds??

Ah shur look, the lads whinging are just lonesome aul fools with too much time on their hands.

Anyone with a bit on just gets on with thingsā€¦

No doubt theyā€™ll be on to have some sort of go at the people who ended up in ICU, attacking their weight or some other characteristics, like they arenā€™t human at all.

Be like the UAE and Israel (in a very limited and specific way).

Im not sure if they understood it, i think they reacted to the situation


All fatties, try to keep up

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Those statistics are very clear and damning against the unvaccinated. More overwhelming evidence of the need to implement mandatory vaccination as a tidy/catch up measure to capture the stragglers.

It would be unfair and antagonistic to label them all awkward squad, contrarian, attention seeking, oddball, lunatics.

Indeed there is a cohort originally from abroad that might not have been privy to the information on how to register/obtain the necessary three (or more) jabs.

English or Irish may not be their first language so we need thoughtful campaigns to target these honest to goodness folks (using the relevant agencies, foreign embassies & community groups). However, we should also accept that some of these people will be conspiracy theorist nutters too.

Either way, Iā€™d be strongly in favour of establishing flying columns to forcibly vaccinate the freaks. Ireland has a proven history of undertaking guerilla campaigns and cells could be formed on a regional basis using the database of people that signed up to help out back in March 2020.

Smash down your door at dawn, up the stairs*, into the bedroom, accept the jab or get your head kicked in. Anybody trying to be the big man gets kneecapped, but wouldnā€™t be likely to require a scarce ICU bed.

We wouldnā€™t be long getting the adult vaccination rate up beyond 98% and there would be an entirely different complexion in case, hospitalisation and ICU numbers.

I envisage the current restrictions remaining in place until Easter at the earliest, but if this mandatory vaccination programme could be launched soon then NPHET might have more leeway to relax household visitation numbers and reopen niteclubs before St Patrickā€™s Day.

Ireland is on a precipice, as I type.

*or down through the hall if itā€™s a bungalow


6% of the population are holding 94% hostage. Itā€™s wrong on every level.


When they need to produce stats on the percentage of the Irish population who are* ā€˜critical thinkersā€™ itā€™ll be a piece of piss


*think they are

The numbers donā€™t lie. We only have restrictions because of unvaccinated morons like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @The_Most_Infamous . No unvaccinated means our health service has plenty of capacity. Get them out. I donā€™t understand why we allow such a small constituency of awkward morons to hold the rest of the country to ransom. If they want to make a choice then why donā€™t they take respy for their own choice?

Why canā€™t we simply require them to cocoon for their own protection and the rest of the country can get on with it and go about and live our lives?