You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Martin says they’re jeopardising us

“I joined the flying column to kill Covid 19”


You don’t think under 60s have underlying conditions? 80% of those hospitalized with Covid in the US are overweight/obese, a lot of them would have conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. It’s time to round up all those with BMI over 30 and jab them.

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Their sense of entitlement is astounding.

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The vaccine isn’t safe don’t you know

The same fellas would recommend poisoning yourself with drink, drugs and fags

There is no talking to them lads. Most of them own cryptocurrency and think no plane flew into the twin towers. Arguing with them is pointless.

What you need to do is spread a conspiracy theory that actually are the government are deliberately trying to push misinformation about the vaccine to prevent young white males from taking it in order to kill them off so they can replace them with cheaper immigrants

WAKE UP SHEEPLE they don’t want you to take the vaccine.

Do your own research. Its actually a very safe and effective vaccine, the government doesn’t want you to know.

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What you mean we didn’t add any bed capacity?
Look at them over there, unvaccinated look look quickly. It’s them not us

How much is an ICU bed?
How much training is required to staff one?
How many staff are required to give 24hr ICU care?

I’m sure you are fully aware seeing as you consider this the reason case figures are so high.

How you feeling today, Horse?

Instead of learning to code, unemployed barmen should learn to ICU.

I presume it is that simple.

Buy a few extra beds, get janitors or learned individuals like @glenshane to man the rooms?

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Not chape Harry , doesn’t mean we just throw our hands ups and not try to add capacity.
The scapegoating of unvaccinated is slight of hand bullshit , if people don’t want it that’s it, no amount of shaming is going change their minds.

I’m A1 today , thanks for asking. Even chanced a can of stout last night, couldn’t taste it but the mouthfeel was nice


It’s not scapegoating, the numbers in relation to ICU admissions speak for themselves.

Do a bit of research on the ICU questions, remember we are not 24 months into this yet.

( great to hear you’re well bud )

We did add lots of bed capacity.

Any word on the South African cod variant ?

Just 3 more weeks to check the hospitalisation rate and 5 weeks for the death rate. Be patient and stay indoors

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It seems to be a total non event.

These cunts out on their “freedom” marches against covid rules would be better off out marching against inflation, high taxes etc, but no they go out marching and shouting “freedom”. cunts

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The awkward squad if it wasn’t this shit, they would be out looking for free houses or water or some shit

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“Lots” ya, what 150 odd for a population of 5 million… incredible work all round