You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The experts know their stuff

What a drive by Heinecke

Edit-possibe wrong thread alert here


Dont know. Tested positive but havenā€™t lost sense of smell. Weird oul bug so it is, not that bad but lingering

I am very sorry to hear that piece of news, sincerely. Get well soon.


Karma eh? If this is as bad as it gets Iā€™ll be getting off lightly

I would not put it like that for even a second. We profoundly disagree on this topic but you are a more than decent person, as I have always stressed.

Anyone can be unlucky as well. I am a bit surprised that so far, best I know, I have ducked it, because I have been out and about a lot. But tomorrow could be the dayā€¦

Get more than well as soon as possible.


Best wishes mate.

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Also, look at how long Oliveā€™s # is

Yep, sick of it.

A lot of good news on the virus front in the past few days.

Both vaccine and infection antibodies are holding up in terms of degree of illness. This is great news. Will fizzle out I think.

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Its a according to the Science. Youā€™d want to be a right headbanger to give it any credence from here on

People are frozen with fear. 2 years of manic panic.
Life had been normal here since May.

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There was a lot of nostalgia here for the 2020 lockdown and keeping Irish people away from home again for Christmas


My last visit to Ireland was 2019. I wonā€™t come as long as yiz are being stupid.

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Most people have moved on but you still have your headnangers on RTE and TFK and the likes.
I never felt ashamed to be Irish until how we treated our sons and daughters across the globe last year


Iā€™d love to be in Peterswell tonight.

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@glenshane RIP

A star who burned brightest as a 15 year old in the county final.


Small anti-vaccine cohort canā€™t hold society hostage (via @IrishTimes) Small anti-vaccine cohort canā€™t hold society hostage

Dr David Robert Grimes, a physicist and cancer researcher, is the author of The Irrational Ape: Why We Fall for Disinformation, Conspiracy Theory and Propaganda.

Author of the Irrational Ape. Iā€™d say heā€™d know a thing or two about about a few of the posters on here.