You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

93% vaccinated, Stable cases, falling hospitalisations, Stable/falling icu = more restrictions


The latest restrictions were really baffling… It was a blatant case of blaming the public for what might happen and nothing to do with the situation in front of us in black and white hard cold FACTS

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Nolan radio show there. June was on. No trace of an Italian accent at all!

It was an agenda by rte to make more money from advertising.

“I think we will need a fourth dose, I have said that multiple times” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on CNBC this morning. Get your third doses in quick lads.

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This is a four-dose vaccine


Case numbers still high but as said admissions into Hospitals & ICU seem to have stabilised thankfully.

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Annual I’d imagine.

I think people should be taking a booster by booster approach to it from here. Like, will there be a need to get one in May again heading into summer… Would October / November not be a better option… or am I losing efficacy by letting it go 10 month instead 6?

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It’s only a shot in the arm FFS, so what if we need it every year if it means we can get on with our lives


you cant do that. Where else would you see a yearly or seasonal vaccine to ensure you dont get sick? Its infringing on human rights to expect people to take a vaccine every year.

It’s a tough call, maybe @EstebanSexface can develop an algorithm for you.

The anti vax lads and the vax zealots have a lot in common.

Neither will ever be fully vaccinated.

I think we’d all take that.

At some point we will just need to rely on the pharma layer of protection and get on with it. The concern is when that point is given 94 per cent rate of vaccination has not led us back to a normal life.

I don’t think we would all take that to be honest.
95% probably would

94% is the figure it would seem, and likely to drop with boosters.

If 94% isn’t stopping it now, not sure what good 60 or 70% will do next year etc etc etc

I think it largely depends on how the disease progresses. If Omic is as mild as has been reported and we get through this winter without too much drama, there will be a big drop off in uptake of vaccines among the younger cohort. I think it’s unrealistic to expect young people to get annual boosters, just as it was unrealistic to expect them to put their lives on hold for years. The take up for kids is likely to be around 50%, same for young adults I would imagine, so overall maybe 70%.

incorrect, the 4th jab is your second booster

You’ll do as you’re told.

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So they brought a pile of close of contacts of the new super transmissible variant back on a commercial aircraft with other passengers? Amazed they were let board a plane.