You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

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Awake from your slumber, arise from your sleep
A new day is dawning for all those who weep
The people in darkness have seen a great light
The Lord of our longing has conquered the night


Some people are getting multiple appointments.

I know someone who got the booster through their GP 3 weeks ago and they’ve got 4 separate appointments since.


The WHO and US authorities all indicating now that Omicron is milder than Delta


This is the end of covid and the vaccines.


TFK has confirmed it’s all only a cod. We’ll be done in a week.


The world is done with covid. Tfk is still battling

that will ruin a few lads day


It’s very simple, fuck nphet off out of it permanently. Push the boosters hard, open up fully in spring and not fuck act until mid summer again… let’s see where the world is at next autumn then.

If that was the case I would take the booster. The goverment are to spineless to stick with a simple plan like that

I’ll booster this winter what with a young family and what not… Like the rest of the world, I’ll take stock next year. Nphet need to be silenced, for good. Holohan is a rat bastard.


Someone will be absolutely gutted to hear that, back to the Twitterverse looking for the next possible variant I suppose.

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And time the booster properly to coincide with winter has to be a key one. Giving the booster out in the depths of winter is like something Frank Spencer in some mother’s do ave im would do


Yes, that’s why we got in the recent mess, too slow rolling it out and as usual, blame for numbers put in everyone else. I’d burn those nphet wankers in a heartbeat.

Can we lay on some free flights to bring in the Saffer variant? Bring home the Munster boys

We should all be drinking their piss when they return in typical rubby style.

Munster rugby saved us.

There’ll be a few lads gutted to here that,once they get out of the scratcher.

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No one saw that coming. NO ONE.