You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We’re fucked pal.

We’re going to have very mild head colds and no vaccine protection from this variant.


Tweets from cunts with their own agendas can travel a million times around the world while the science is still pulling its boots on.


Leo handing out more jabs than Floyd Mayweather.

We need to start investigating Big Pharma and their dirty tricks.

It’s amazing that some of the most avowed so called socialists here are quite happy to operate willful ignorance here on an industry with a long and shameful history of bribing or buying anyone it can in order to increase profits while endangering public health.

These psuedo socialists then support tactics of the far right so they can discriminate and dehumanise minority groupings who have different views and beliefs to them.

Socialists who are now pro capitalist, now pro far right tactics, now pro far right ideology. But we know exactly what they are.


Every totalitarian regime in modern history started out as “socialist”. Lenin, Stalin and Mao the most obvious, but Hitler was party member 555 in the German Workers Party and Mussolini a leader of the Italian Workers Party.


Check out Dopesick for the low down on Purdue Pharma and their lawsuits around Oxycontin. Scumbags.


There are exceptions to every rule.

Yup and you have the fickle brigade like @glasagusban, @Tim_Riggins, @the_man_himself and @Thomas_Brady supporting Big Pharma like it was their favourite sports team.

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NDS - Nodding Donkey Syndrome


if you get Covid are you immune for 9 months afterwards anyways???

An Omicron case in South Africa had Delta a month previous.

an exception I would say??

Delta seems to provide fuck all protection against Omicron. The best reinfection study which is led by Jeffrey Townsend from Yale says median time to reinfection for unvaccinateds is 16 months.

unvaccinated 16 months - that is good run for some one unvaccinatted, for vaccinated I imagine , longer than 16 months

Nope. It varies by individual, but antibodies from vaccines are lasting an average of 6 months.
The important thing is that most people develop memory immune cells (B and T) which means even if you don’t have antibodies the memory cells kick in and develop new antibodies.
People who have had Covid (from any variant) or have been vaccinated are getting reinfected but holding up well against disease progression.

yeah but I imagine re-infection is well down the road, as in 6 months rather than 6 weeks?

if folk who are fully vaccinated, have had COVID and still getting re-infected say 3 months later, number of cases will remain high for some time to come, granted those in the above category will not be too sick with it

I’d really love to know the end game for all of this

Yes, and for most people with a healthy immune system even if they get reinfected it’s likely to be asymptomatic or mild. Delta is somewhat antibody evasive and Omicron seems to be more evasive, so reinfection is more likely. Unless you are in a very vulnerable category the chances of developing a serious illness from reinfection appear very slim.