You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

It will be a victory for pints :pint:

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It is already mate. Pubs packed.

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Human nature 1 Covid 0

I forgive her

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Thoughts and prayers with Finland tonight

Finland’s prime minister is a ride and appears to be a bit of a legend. A proper country.

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One for rule for them, another rule for the plebs

Can they still blame the HSE hack for this? It’s a stretch but civil servants love an easy excuse

Bad news for most yank/fatties

On Morning Ireland this morning talking about vaccines for children.
“I’d be nervous, Henry is 9, Julian is 11”.

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so only 50% of ppl are showing up for booster shots…
hmm should I bump my post from a few weeks back where I stated vaccine uptake would crash once restrictions were re introduced?

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The various Strava athletes who simultaneously moan that Long Covid has hurt their times and also their low body fat percentage will be at sixes and sevens with this news.

I think it’s more as outlined above the system is a clusterfuck. Firing out boosters at walk ins then sending people appointments. They cancel them, or don’t, and get a new appointment automatically

We’ve gone from nobody turning up to turning people away.

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It’s ramping up again. Pretty soon it will be going gangbusters.

Giving them to pharmacists makes more sense at this stage.

All I want for Christmas is boost