You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


i prefer my execution.

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Barbaric shit

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do ya reckon?
we still have our soccer POTY awards down for next Sat.
Cmere are you going to that hockey blitz in monkstown on Sunday??
Iā€™ve never ever been to anything hockey related before aside from our trainingā€¦im intrigued tbh

Ah I donā€™t know. Itā€™s an easy one to kill off in December. Masks on 9 year olds indoors now so who knows.

No. Weā€™ve only had one hockey game (well two on same day). 0-0 draw and beaten 6-0. The lads had never played a match before. They arenā€™t the most competitive bunch. Itā€™s a nice atmosphere and nobody seems to be dreaming of making it as a hockey player buy just playing away.

The gear on the goalie is good craic. Dressed up like a lad fighting dogs.


They do with the current variants. It has consistently been pointed out by actual experts, ie. not the political ideologist grifter morons you follow, that a more transmissible and/or vaccine evasive variant could emerge, indeed was likely to emerge, as long as Covid was allowed spread widely. The mutations of the variant indicate more transmissibility and more vaccine evasiveness. The double whammy.

Even if this variant proves not to be vaccine evasive, it looks way more transmissible than Delta. It has eaten Delta whole in two weeks in South Africa. And increased transmissibility is very, very important. It turns the sort of precarious situation we have right now in Ireland into full blown crisis with no other option than lockdown. And society could fall apart.

When even Francois Balloux, the self proclaimed ā€œmilitant Corona centristā€, who is usually about two months behind the curve on everything, is reading the riot act about this variant itā€™s time to sit up and assume we have a problem, a big fucking problem.

Munster are over in SA theyā€™ll never be let back into the country now


And there was @Cheasty saying this new variant was all bad news.


But nothing there or from any virologist Iā€™m aware of that suggests this new variant causes a more serious disease. Covid antibodies prevent the development of serious disease, they donā€™t stop infection or transmission, as we are seeing with Delta. So simply scaremongering.

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Imperial College London seem to be worried in fairness.

Might be just in time for Christmas :grinning:

whereā€™s that cunt conor riocht now?

Looks like itā€™s fizzling out?

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All the indicators this week have been heading that way. Theyā€™ll lump in a back log of cases and allow an accumulation of patients in hospitals over the weekend to keep everyone in check.

Honestly, what sort of cretins are you reading at all?

The alarm has been sounded by the South Africans on two counts: i) increased transmissibility, possibly massively increased transmissibility, and ii) vaccine evasiveness.

And then you throw in typical right bait and switch. You talk about ā€œmore serious diseaseā€ as if itā€™s some sort of gotcha. If more a lot more people get infected, at higher rates, and this variant is even partially vaccine evasive, how does that not lead to more severe disease for millions of people than would otherwise have been the case?

Do you understand maths?

You have two choices: i) a variant with a 50% higher transmissibility and the same lethality as the previous fittest variant, or ii) a variant with a 50% higher lethality and the same transmissibility as the previous fittest variant.

Which is worse for the public health situation?

In terms of scaremongering, you have been worse than any poster who claims to be a serious poster around here.

You have advanced the lunatic theories of Geert van den Bossche and you have become progressively more anti-vaccine, to match with your many previous wrong prognostications over the course of this pandemic.

When always, the real threat was obvious. It was exactly what the actual experts were saying was the real threat. It was something like this variant.

I continually posed this scenario to the OIUTFers and what we would do if we reached this scenario. None of yis ever had an answer.

Yis better hope against hope that this turns out to be a false alarm. But hoping against hope is not a policy choice. All I see out there at the moment is mental bargaining.

Tony Holohans facial expressions arent that transparent in fairness. The cunt.

@cheasty, have you done a risk-reward analysis on ADE or VAERD, mate???

Fuck it anyway thatā€™s the restriction I disagree with most. Will be very divisive and counter productive as a result I predict

Any way government wonā€™t take nphets recommendation if reaction is too negative ?

Is that happening?

Will you just go along with it?