You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Its on the way I believe mate ya. Its a disgrace.

Itā€™s about time and long over due.

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Not everyone can be as big and brave as you to be striding into shops with your mask under your nose. Youā€™re a total renegade mate.

Itā€™s long overdue.

We need a new vaccine for this SA/Botswana variant 2022 will be the MF 2004 on the loop while weā€™re all at home, Iā€™ve already given up on my 2 holidays booked for March and September. On that I see Portugal are now looking for a negative PCR test on top of the vaccine cert. Back under the bed we go.

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Fairly bearish thread on the genomics of this B.1.1.529 variant.

Interesting that you remember that post @glasagusban , I havent worn them in a shop in months.

Iā€™m exempt. To be fair, Iā€™m never challenged on it.

The kids should have the masks stapled on.

Thatā€™s just crazy talk

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The next 2 weeks are crucial

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Youā€™re long overdue a box in the jaw.

Iā€™ve yet to meet anyone man enough to do it kid.

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Name the place and time kid. You can get @Copper_pipe to record it if you want.

Iā€™m having a laugh of course.


If you were a father at all youā€™d have that mask fixed to your kidā€™s face with superglue.

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The seriousness of the disease was, is and always will be the most important issue.

The virus is already too transmissible to be contained, surely this is clear even to you. Two years after the most strict and longest lockdowns in the world Ireland is riddled, what does that tell you? The only hope we have is immunity and thankfully the % of people with immunity in western countries is now north of 90% and continues to climb.

I have never promoted Geert van den Bossche on this site or anywhere, once again you are lying.

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The last time we did that you never turned up and I wasted half my morning waiting for you? Also, I wonā€™t be locking horns with anyone thatā€™s unvaxxed. It wouldnā€™t be responsible.


Deary me

Do your job

I make our newborn wear a mask when out if the houseā€¦ I presume most responsible parents are the same.