You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Oh so now it worked, but then it didn’t work, now it’s back to it worked again.

Well, that’s good to know. :grinning:

And good to see you admit you’re lying. Acceptance is the first step towards change.

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So what’s your point? The lag time between the first infections and the first death was longer than five weeks?

If this is what you are reduced to you should put your keyboard in the bin and find a new hobby.

You can’t compare the lag time to when we weren’t testing to when testing is taking place en masse.

You know this yourself too as you aren’t thick.,


There were also only 108 recorded cases of Covid on the 5th March 2020 in the UK.

So your post is completely correct and The Doxxer continues to make a show of himself with misinformation.

I’m still here. You still calling lads paedos?

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Zero COVID worked well for New Zealand. It was impossible in Europe and Ireland. This is very clear and simple. Your arguments are now mainly made up of lie and boris Johnson quotes.

Misinformation Mike strikes again.

I asked you what your point is.

You haven’t answered.

The first recorded UK case was January 31st, 2020. The first death was March 5th.

You say they weren’t testing for Covid. The only logical reason to say such would be to infer that Covid was in the UK earlier than January 31st, 2020. And, yes, it almost certainly was in the UK before that.

Which only further backs up the premise that you should not jump to early “optimistic” conclusions about the severity of any variant of Covid.

Based on the logic of the assumption you now say we should jump to about Omicron being supposedly “mild”, the initial wave of Covid would have been dismissed as mild.

But it can take weeks, possibly months, to ascertain something close to a full picture. You prefer to jump to knee jerk conclusions based on your pre-existing confirmation biases. That isn’t critical thinking. It’s la la land stuff.

Apparently a great way to demonstrate the impossibility of something is to demonstrate how it has actually worked. :rofl:

Apparently now I’m a zero Covid advocate and a Boris Johnson fan. :grinning:

You don’t really have any idea how stupid your posts look, do you?

Self awareness is one of the first things to go when you fall down a rabbit hole.

Sid changes his view on what the government are doing with the wind. In response to this post though, in the face of an unknown that might be very bad, I can see why the government opted for caution. It’s disappointing to all of us but it makes sense. It would be far easier to accept if they’d used the months when things were good to better prepare and protect against things going to shit again, ventilation and antigen tests etc. I don’t agree we were shit at the initial rollout, we were on par with the rest of the eu and ahead of most as I said all along, I’ve been proved categorically right there. We’ve been slow on boosters though, seem to have taken the eye off the ball there completely and niac seems to be constantly behind the curve in making decisions.

My word :smiley:

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That’s James Melville’s favourite tactic. @BruidheanChaorthainn swears by him.

Give us a few examples there then.

They actually got PUP wrong at the start as well if you recall, then were embarrassed into modifying it because of the actions of the British government.

Weren’t there a load of lads here who wanted Orla Hegarty to shut up?

They prefer their schools unventilated and full of Covid, no doubt.

Was there? Can you point me to them so I can ridicule them please

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More money for private entities with links to govt ministers to botch a public contract.


Luke o Neill on covid claire and has covid having got the booster on Thursday :grin:


Exhibit A

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Say it ain’t so