You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Aren’t you a staunch defender of the Allen family?

Yes or no.

That’s an odd question if you don’t mind me saying.

To answer it though I am most certainly not a ‘staunch defender’ of the Allen family, I don’t know anything about them really, I think my late mother may have had a good experience once in Ballymaloe House because her Godson is a chef there, either Rachel or Darina treated her and a group of pals from the church very well, I don’t recall the details exactly.

Is that acceptable reason to be labeled an endorser of paedophiles? Is that what you consider acceptable debate, just to randomly drop that into a conversation that you weren’t even involved in, cause that’s what @gaillimhmick did.
Now is that acceptable debate tactics? Yes or no.


Poor old Ron, I’d say there’s some people that won’t believe him.

I believe you Ron, you don’t look the type :+1:

@cheasty brought this prolific twitter user to TFKs attention last week when he was taking some delight in the poor health of her daughter to support whatever pitiful argument he was making. The lady brought her daughter to A&E twice due to her concerns, and was sent home both times after being assessed by the doctors. The good news is that they are on the road to recovery, though I expect there is a significant risk of long covid here. The anxiety of some people though is something I’d never have realised without this lady having been brought to my attention, I think the 2 consecutive emails below, when you consider the fact the children were assessed by doctors and not even considered sufficiently ill to be kept in for observation, highlights it very neatly.


I’d have to view the context of the comment.

I think the narrative around here has been that you are very defensive of the Allen family and criticism meted out to them.

It might not be reasonable but I’ve seen far worse comments on here.

I think it’s worth pointing out though that @mikehunt post’s once again is far and away removed from the truth. It’s not the first time Misinformation Mike has fabricated allegations against other posters which clearly did not happen.

We can clarify that you were never called a paedophile now though, however it was inferred that you endorsed paedos (unfairly) by supportive comments you may or may not have made about the Allen family who I think everyone can agree are horrendous cunts and wrong uns.

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I feel my earlier contribution a number of weeks back on hospital admissions is becoming ever more validated now.

If you’re released from hospital on the day, or a day or two after being admitted for Covid - I think we can put a good deal of stock that the position was not really hospital admission worthy, but screaming and shouting to get hospital admission from hypochondriacs and other people scared into a frenzy about the virus will lead to this.

Unfortunately there’s no level they won’t stoop to when losing an internet argument. One can only imagine the outrage if they were on the receiving end of similar oddball behaviour.

There was no context, it was completely random

I don’t accept that it’s appropriate to label somebody an endorser of paedophiles in the grounds that you’ve just outlined, I don’t even know what you mean about the Allen family, I have no connection and I certainly haven’t ‘defended’ them, what have they done that I need to defend? As far as I know the older man was convicted of something to do with child pornography, do you think I defended that? Because then it’d be fair game.
So less of the mealy mouth please, it’s either acceptable or not

Two things: first is that I think you’re equally as odd to be going looking up her twitter again and posting screenshots of it as she is to be broadcasting her updates on this all over twitter.

Second is that you don’t need to be admitted to hospital to need to to go to hospital. If a hospital can treat you and send you home they will. This may drive Fulvio absolutely nuts but a friend had covid recently and had to go to hospital to be given some drugs to help her breathe and was sent home again.

I wouldn’t be explaining myself to someone who mocks someone on the death of their father. The absolute hypocrisy of him looking for clarification.

Could she not have gone to a chemist or their GP?

Is that account real? What an absolute cunt of a woman… Doctors would never send kids, or anyone, home with such symptoms.

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Yet another Misinformation Mike lie.

You are actually to one who is quite happy to cosy up to a poster who ACTUALLY goaded another poster about their wife having cancer.

You are sick in the head, a nasty, dishonest and utterly poisonous individual.

Your post has been reported.

GP sent her to the hospital.

Tachycardia is an interesting term to choose. From experience, unstable tachycardia sees lots of doctors running and you can be in a bit of bother.

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To be honest it fascinates me a little. This is not the type of person I would ever encounter in day to day life, but the amount of interaction she gets and the fact she apparently gets some media exposure must mean that there are a sizeable number who would think in a similar manner.

Of course that can happen. But I do think that a mother praying that she die to spare her daughter, when the daughter isn’t even deemed worthy of hospital admission, more than a bit odd. Were the child in hospital or ICU then I can well understand such desperation, but when assessed and sent home by doctors…


What drugs did she get?

Child needed to go to hospital, mother worried, story checks out. I think the posting from that person is odd but I equally find anyone going looking it up and resposting here odd. I don’t use Twitter at all I think it’s a cesspit. There’s been far weirder contributions than here and not a eyelid batted.

Like a chap looking for non-priority people who got vaccines ahead of the queue to be sacked while being a non-priority person who got a vaccine ahead of the queue themselves and boasting about it?

Sick kids are sent to hospital. GPs take no chances at all. My lad was rushed by ambulance on a couple of occasions from the GPs. They can get very sick very quick.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy talking about something he hasn’t a clue about again.

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