You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

They’d not send you home with tachycardia though. Unless it’s used to mean a slightly elevated heart rate in which case it’s technically correct but slightly disingenuous

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Misinformation Mike showing that he is willing to lie on just about anything on the internet ONCE AGAIN.

Bizarre. It’s like all the terms were just thrown in for affect.

Is it a legit account or nphet controlled?

Do you think kids with the outlined symptoms would be sent home to fend for themselves?

I’d be with @Halfpipe on this one.

As regards complaining about people looking at the twitter account, it would be like posting pornography and then complaining when people watch it. Mental illness is fascinating, my immediate reaction was that she’s poisoning her children. You can’t look away. Grifter as well, she’s written some medical book/plan thing that she’s plugging. It’s all about followers and attention. Sinister as fuck.

Also, tachycardia is having an elevated heart rate - not actually a breathing related symptom, or not exactly anyway. Tachycardia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. Might the kids just be getting panic attacks from living with their mother?

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I’m going to be 100% serious with you @glasagusban I get serious Linda Scooby Doo vibes off that one. She’s not quite as bad as Scooby Doo though.

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You certainly have every chance of coming across a medical expert on TFK that will endorse that view.


It’s a cesspit but it’s also influential. That lady is part of what appears to be a reasonably well organised lobby group. The fact there is such levels of anxiety about a virus that has contributed to the death of less than a handful of kids on the island suggests there is something very wrong with the messaging.

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You must have slept through the last two years if you’re still wondering about why people are anxious about Covid?

You say Twitter is a cesspit. I wouldn’t disagree. But it can also be brilliant and incredibly informative.

And incredibly disinformative, if you do not have the critical tools needed to evaluate information. As so many members of this forum demonstrate on a daily basis.

What exactly about Twitter do you think are its most cesspit like features?

a cesspit of confirmation bias


A 30% rise in hospitalisations in London is a big warning sign. Makes sense that London’s rise would so far be steeper than the rest of the country as it’s likely where Omicron first entered England and where mass spread is easiest.

Stay off the twitter lads

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Twitter is more dangerous than covid. FACT.


McDonkey is back on the 6-1.

We’re surely doomed…


He painted a gloomy picture .

The case numbers on the mainland a worry

Molnupiravir looks like a bust.

Should drive the vaxxists demented even though some of them are immune to data

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But the science.

no one gives a shit about case numbers, normal people are done with this nonsense


Boris pulled a grand stroke . All the heat off him now