You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I only got a measly 0.5% of that ā‚¬380m. But a small proportion of a very big number can still be very big by itself.

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Jokes aside. Surely someone dealing drugs isnt impartial?

Pfizer and Modernas medical products are drugs. Theyā€™re not vaccines.

Clear difference there.

I think the gubberment should go with fuck it itā€™s Christmas and let it rip

Youā€™d have to ask the lads who gather at these anti-vaxx demos. Strangely enough a lot of them do look like drug dealers and drug users.

Their bodies are temples of course.

Iā€™ve heard him a few times and he always seemed to base his opinions on actual studies and research. Donā€™t ever recall hearing him say there would never be a need for booster jabs. Remember him saying they worked and he has been proven correct on that. Not that it was an outlandish claim or anything.

Avoiding the question there. Is it a sore point?

Luke Oā€™Neill is a dealer of medical products is he not???

Is there a conflict of interest potentially?

Any soreness disappeared within a couple of days after the jabs, buddy.

Not sure why youā€™d expect me to respond to a ā€œquestionā€ where you call an actual scientist a drug dealer.

You come across as a bit, you know, wacko when you say stuff like that.

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Did you hear him on the late late show talking about masks?

The Thick Of It, alright.

Good luck with your realised big pharma shareholder profit pal. Be it imaginery or otherwise.

You completely ignored the conflict of interest piece to my query so hence. We will leave it there.

We will indeed.

Thus fucking threadā€¦ Every second post is a stat or graph from some Twitter expert contradicting the previous postā€¦ Weā€™re all gonna dieā€¦ No, weā€™re all gonna liveā€¦ No, no, noā€¦ Die, die, dieā€¦ Live, live, live.

Itā€™s like everyone here is only looking for and posting stuff that fits their own narrative.



Its worth watching re facemasks. He told the truth there.

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Itā€™s panto seasonā€¦ Oh no itā€™s not!

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I told you the truth on that in May 2020.

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Pretty much. Thereā€™s plenty examples not far above.


We need the definitive take from Dr Bal E Hop, the only expert with no agenda.


A great man.

The record of whose narratives have been correct and whose narratives have been bollocks throughout the pandemic is there for all to see.

I was the first to point out numbers were going the wrong direction in October and continually warned of the emergence of a variant like Omicron.

Itā€™s called critical thinking and ability to evaluate information.