You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Ah a lot of places wonā€™t bother after the first week.

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Prof Luke is riddled unfortunately but heā€™s looking on the positive side.

Amazing isnt it. That fucking cunt vaxxed out of his eyeballs talking down to the general public and now heā€™s turning around with an aul sniffle and cough. The timing is unreal.

Again, heā€™l point to being in ICU if wasnt vaxxed out of it. He is a dangerous cunt.

Cashing it in bigtime. He is a devious fucking disgrace.

It will all come out in time I hope. Lads like Luke Oā€™Neill will need to face a judge and jury for their lies.

Anyone watching canā€™t argue anything against that.

hard to top that


The mood music from England and Denmark is very Nick Cave.

The hospitalisation stats from South Africa arenā€™t any brighter.

I hope youā€™re right but I doubt it, certainly in these parts. The best pub here has bible preachers on megaphone outside it every Saturday, Primrose and Alice would love to see the place shutdown and the PSNI rarely pass up an easy target.

Up in court for telling fibs? No wonder our courts are so clogged up. What particular fibs of his have got you so riled up?

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Masks and vaccine efficacy to start with.

Ah look, my blood just boils when I see a cunt like that pontificate lies. Its very convenient for him to come out now with the positive antigen test schtick.

He has lied throughout this pandemic. Do I need to fire up the late late show appearance when he admitted masks were useless?

Do I need to do a quick search on his views on vaccines last Spring?

He is on national radio every day talking absolute bollocks.

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The news continues to be positiveā€¦ But is it a case of more people getting vaccinated also? The uptake was poor in SA initially, no?

You need to stalk him with a camera phone and shout into his face and upload the footage of it all to the internet when he recovers in a few days due to his vaccine based immunity.

Iā€™m sure the whole of the internet will be behind you. Even when Luke completely disarms you in that friendly way of his and makes a total mug of you, you see.

@glenshane is dead RIP. I heard he overdosed on Ivermectin

Itā€™s positive alright, but not in the way youā€™d want.

Are you a shareholder in his company?

25 per cent or so. Maybe they have a huge number of people who were previously infected and itā€™s summer in South Africa. But the data looks positive.

Yes. A very substantial one.

Eldest gets tonsillitis on and off probably needs them out at this stage but I digress was bad with it at the weekend heā€™s fully jabbed and had COVID last Christmas did an antigen test Saturday negative and got a PCR test that came back negative yesterday, the out of hours GP service here still refused to see him and did a phone consultation. This is beyond a joke at this stage.


This is called living with Covid. Itā€™s what yis wanted.

No wonder you donā€™t have to do a days work.