You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Anti-vaxxers are all about themselves and are an entitled bunch of cunts. Thatcherism looks positively communist by comparison to their ideology.

The reason I saved your comment for posterity was because I fully expect you to pivot and demand restrictions on anyone of any age who isn’t boosted every 3 months and I thought it might be useful for later on.

Have we ever mass tested for flu?

Have we ever recorded people dying in hospices as dying from flu?

Look at the age and health factors are those who die.

Look at the arbitrary nature of classification of Covid deaths. If you have a positive test within a defined period of dying, you’re automatically put down as a Covid death. If Covid is mentioned anywhere on your death cert, Covid death. If it’s even suspected you had Covid, Covid death.

47 recorded Covid deaths up north in December so far.

80+ - 28
60-79 - 18
40-59 - 1

Do you think all these people recorded as Covid deaths actually died from Covid? Do elderly people ever die from old age, natural causes and their bodies giving up on them anymore? Did Covid finish immortality?


I know people who are not anti vax, but anti covid vax. I don’t really know or want to know why they don’t want to get it, and I can kind of understand their argument now about not wanting it. I just think it’s irresponsible. The same people have no problem loading themselves with alcohol and gorging on processed food which is worse than any covid vaccine in the long run.

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9 people in hospital with omicron in Britain.

I play the situation as I see it.

It likely will be the case somewhere down the road that you will not be classed as fully vaccinated if you don’t have three vaccines. And maybe four after that. Because while it is good if two doses of a vaccine will protect most people against severe disease, it won’t protect everybody. And it’s no longer enough to stop or mitigate transmission. And cutting down or stopping transmission is what we really need to get back to any sort of “normal” society.

Biology doesn’t really care for anybody’s feelings like that - much as a lot of posters here think it should - and it definitely doesn’t care for dumb sloganeering.

We don’t mass test for flu and we don’t arbitrarily assign deaths to flu on that basis. If we did I’d imagine the no of recorded flu deaths would have been through the roof in years gone by.

See what happens we close the pubs

Fintan O’Toole had an interesting article at the weekend in which he divided anti-vaxxers into three categories - i) egotists - the people who are suckered by woo woo and the wellness industry and fetishise their own bodies in a very creepy way, ii) paranoiacs - those who refuse to believe anything they think is “mainstream” but yet believe everything that comes from loons on the internet, and iii) fascists.

There is one lad here who has very impressively managed to fall into all the categories simultaneously. No prizes for guessing who.

i see claire went to the marian finucane school of preparation and research

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given that the vast bulk of the unvaccinated are of eastern european extraction, that may have lived under soviet oppression, which cohort of o’foole’s supposition do you think they fall under?

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What are the exact figures?

Is enough being done to reach the unvaccinated? (

He’d another spin on it a few months ago.

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Anyone who cites Fintan O’Toole in a credible way is a danger to society.


Your link says this assertion is completely wrong.

From your link:

It’s not very nice to make untrue generalised assertions against ethnic minorities. Not nice at all.

Fintan O’Toole is a snowflake headbanger.

He’s the free state equivalent of Ben Lowry.

so my link confirms that the largest cohort of unvaccinated are of eastern european extraction, but youve attempted to twist this into some weird shit to suit your narrative. id like to say im surprised but…

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