You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You said, and I quote: “the vast bulk of the unvaccinated are of eastern european extraction”.

Your own link proves that assertion to be complete bollocks.

It isn’t me who is twisting narratives here.

You’ve been hoisted by your own petard.

its hoist by your own petard, not hoisted.

and you most certainly have been


You claim one in four constitutes “the vast bulk”.

Disgusting xenophobia from you.

the letter writers are unhappy with o’foole. its almost like he had an agenda and wrote an article to suit that agenda but withut any grounding in reality

id imagine some people here would post like that


fintan tool
cc @balbec


Snowflakes, they’re called.


Government considering new vaccine campaign for non-English speakers - Irish Mirror Online

youre really taking o’fooles beating badly

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Says the lad with the agenda to vilify people of eastern European origin by lying through his teeth about stats about them.

Did somebody say “without any grounding in reality”? :grinning:

The Doxxer now pedaling in waves of misinformation and misrepresentation of others.

Good to see him undermine his cause with his lack of credibility and lack of sincerity,

“The data shows that 44% of people from Eastern Europe working in Ireland have come forward for the vaccine.”

maths, like logic, aint your strong suit

The racist circle jerker with the dozens of accounts here has decided to get involved. :grinning:

A lad that never tires of getting hoisted by his own forklift spike.

You’re taking your evisceration badly, Art.

It was ever thus.

there’s been no evisceration, you have, however, been defenestrated.

I’ve not read the article and maybe this is explained in it, but I presume we are still working off the 2016 census for all our numbers. Isn’t it highly possible that many of the people counted as unvaccinated have either left ireland or gone home to be vaccinated, since their home countries would have reached lower age cohorts before we did?

the mirror article refers to 44% of eastern europeans working in ireland so that, i presume, will be working off Revenue & DEASP figures, rather than the census

How so, Art?

You made this claim:

But your link says this assertion is completely wrong.

From your link:

You made a false claim that can only be motivated by racism.

And it’s very telling which racist posters decided to try and back you up.

so the largest cohort are eastern european. great, thank for verifying that i was right

even if it was a false claim, which it isnt, how can it only be motivated by racism?

Do revenue publish figures on the nationalities of people working here? Don’t know but I doubt it. I think there is clearly a degree of margin for error in a lot of this counting. There’s also the fact that the population was projected to grow a good bit since 2016. And it’s not like you’d have any faith in the department of health to source or be accurate in their numbers.