You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

there seems to be a great buzz around the place about this lockdown, “ah sure yerra twill be grand, at lheast I will have a right sshession tonight” (as if that is something to look forward to)

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More importantly, is holohan going to insist people use a joker in 25?

everytime i read one of @glasagusban 's posts i can see it being written by a character resembling this, it’s more the mannerism and the method of delivery, defensive, critical, off topic, evasive , condesceding and personalized. Imagine him / her being your next door neighbour?



Paddy the gobshite simpleton deserves everything he gets


Glas is a very exceptional poster, he winds the lads on here up nothing normal


Try and eat today, you sound dreadfully malnourished.

It’s unreal, it cant be a real human being surely? ive never seen anything more contemptible on the internet. It goes beyond the standard TFK madman also.
Its like a cross between an extreme right wing pro Trump female supporter from Alabama and some lunatic from the students union whose version of free speech is telling everyone else they wrong and Stephen Donnolly

It’s an enjoyable enough spectacle in reasonable enough doses but it can be a distressing seeing it at times


If any of ye can get a barrel of porter do it now

He says :smiley:

If Tony and Co are to propose new restrictions, as I assume they will, they should be also held to task on their models from previous lockdowns. It’s obvious now that the modelling methods used are not remotely accurate


Has T tore strips off Leo and the lads yet ?

Hard to trust Nolan’s spreadsheets too much

I reckon he made them watch the vote across the water and warned them about the dangers of democracy during the pandemic

What’s the latest old chums?

Boris won

Wasnt a good few of the LIDTF fanboys also fanboys of jezza?


They probably were until they went full fascists and wanted to discriminate against certain sections of society because they have opposing views.

It’s gas to see how The Doxxer who is now a Donald Trump tribute act will square his position off with the one true and committed left wing politician in British politics.

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I think your “Doxxer goes to Nuttgard” is post of the year material. :clap:


You can already see it on this thread.