You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The country is an awful mess again, all because of drink

There is significant resistance at a senior level to any call for further restrictions. Sources believe Ireland has been outlier in comparison to other European countries in terms of the length and severity of lockdowns.

It is understood the chief medical officer, Tony Holohan, will update the party leaders and lead Ministers on the latest Covid trends ahead of Christmas.

A source said the meeting is for politicians to get an ā€œupdateā€. Politicians have been anxious that Nphet may recommend increased restrictions after its planned meeting on Thursday.

From the Times, sounds like they are going to plead with holohan not to recommend further restrictions.

Please Archbishop Holohan, pleeeeaaaasssse

The Pioneer Association need to up their game. There was a time when their pin was a highly sought out piece of jewellery.

I wouldnā€™t have an issue with a circuit breaker closing of the pubs from midnight on the 19th and then reopen them on the 28th. This would facilitate me being able to attend my next 2 social events as well as getting me out of one I donā€™t want to go to.


Iā€™d be in favour of localised lockdowns, starting in Dublin the day after I head down to Limerick.


Holohan will take no shit from them

@mickee321 if thereā€™s a lockdown this weekend Iā€™m counting that as a win for me

If any of your group from 17th December name you as a close contact youā€™ll be isolating for Christmas.

Therefore I assume you will be using a cell system so each other member of the group wonā€™t have your real name and address.

Youā€™d want to be a right cunt to be naming lads as close contacts this time of year

Iā€™d name lads I didnā€™t like as being out with me. Fuck them up good and proper.


Meeting mates in Limerick on Saturday and heading to the rubby they can lock down from Sunday onwards for me

CDC: 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose

Symptoms are mild in both the unvaccinated and vaccinated - Reuters

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lies, thousands are being killed

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How can you be a close contact with anyone outside your family? Shur, everyone is working from home.

If youā€™ve the decency to tip your binman/postman you can drag them into the mire fairly easilyā€¦

Iā€™ve planted a tree for both this year.

Boyle Sports donā€™t accept branches of a sapling when lads are going to do the Christmas yankee in Leopardstown.

Iā€™ve just arranged an impromptu dinner for tomorrow evening before the lockdown.

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some fucker put me down as a close contact last week, luckily you donā€™t have to isolate on the mainland