You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™ll be voting for Aontu and the rural independents in the next election

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Oh Jeremy Corbyn
Oh Jeremy Corbyn
Oh Jeremy Corbyn

Can you hear The Doxxer sing?

Noooooo noooooo

Can you hear The Doxxer sing?

I canā€™t hear a fucking thing


Can you explain what todays modern day Labour traditionalist actually is?

Not to you pal, Iā€™m afraid.

Toddle along there like a good man.



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Any leaks from Tonyā€™s meeting with the 3 lads

You wouldnā€™t see something like this on rte

BBC News - Omicron: Why extra restrictions may do more harm than good


Suppression efforts have worked so well previously, one big effort now for a few weeks should do it.

Who was doxxed?
Is it about the thing with @Tierneevin1979 that time?

The next 2 weeks are vital lads.

The hospital figures are going the right way, two weeks should do it

Omicron is doubling every day according to the models, we can expect 240,000 cases today on the mainland according to the experts

A million cases a day by next week apparently. By the end of January everyone in the UK will have had it twice.

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Get your booster as soon as you can to avoid a runny nose, fuck them cunts in African countries, they donā€™t deserve any jabs

I see nphet telling doctors they need to cancel non essential appointments so they can accelerate administering boosters now in the middle of winter flu/bug season

Gas cunts


Has anybody checked on mehole since last nights meeting ?

The same Covid Zealot loons will then blame anything but the Covid restrictions and policies for undetected cancer etc.

I wonder how many cancer diagnoses are initially linked to non-essential GP visits where someone notices something minor a bit off and the Dr then refers them for tests which confirms cancer.

And theyā€™re now stopping this to throw all their resources behind a mild respiratory virus.

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As if it wasnā€™t hard enough to get the see doctor already, not a hope of getting an appointment now. How many folks are going to get seriously ill now because they couldnā€™t get in to see the doctor?


Never waste a good crisis.

Thereā€™s mass hysteria but thereā€™s also the fact that Covid mitigation measures suit a lot of people.


fuck cancer and all that serious stuff, covid is the only show in town now, people need to get boosted now to avoid a runny nose over the the Christmas