You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Totally agree.

You could argue sure our Dail is full of glorified county councillers.

Real power is over with the EU. A lot of whom are unelected bureaucrats.

But shur they built us a few roads back in the day.


I’m alright Jack


Helmut is really running the show in fairness

I havent looked up Merkels successor at all. Whats the craic with him?

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Ming googling Saoirse McHugh’s arse over in Brussels.



If only it was a joke.

John McGuirk who I consider to be the journalists journalist absolutely nails it here.


There used to be a fella that worked out in Flextronics years ago. Maybe in fairness he was never a counciller but he used to be known as the counciller for pallets out there.

Funny at the time. But it is true.

Absolutely stone useless. Local government is a soap opera now.

Jezza is like me, a man of conviction.

You love me or loathe me but you can’t deny my steadfast and uncompromising genuine principles.


Link please.



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It’s beautiful.

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It seems I saw this post and liked it and yet I’ve no memory of it…

Things must be bad when lads are looking to Jezza again for a bit of inspiration.

Corbyn’s stance is hugely at variance with the Irish loony left

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Old left v New left

Corbyn is old school and a true supporter of a fair days wage for a fair days work for everyone.

The Irish left is a snowflake, rainbow flag, virtue signalling, look at me, woke, narcissistic, flavour of the week, cancel culture, toxic rent a mob.

Corbyn doesn’t jump on things for popularity, he stands up for what he believes fair and right


Its refreshing to be fair to him.

100% agree, well said mate.