You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Yeah, he worded that very badly. Pretty much saying there was zero protection from double vaccination. When he should have clarified it’s from infection and protection from severe disease is still pretty durable. Poor Clare Brock nearly had a heart attack along with half the people watching at home.

@gaillimhmick you stupid cunt :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

what about a lad that has been double vacinnated( pzifer) and had COVID lately ?!!

he created a bit of panic alrite!!!

so we have a bat and a mouse now as origins of COVID!!!

The teachers are sorry now

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Should be in great shape, better than a booster.

bat → lab → mouse → human → mouse → human

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Always knew there was a Limerick origin to this.


18 months ago you would’ve laughed at mandatory face masks, safe schools and mandatory anti gen testing because NPHET told you there weren’t necessary (snake oil?) and schools were the safest environments for children to be in during a pandemic.

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There was a representative from a theatre company on Newsnight who said that theatres are basically pulling all their productions.

Fair play to whichever theatre company got the spot for that little pantomime.

The sort of outside the box thinking creative arts needs at this point.

‘Do the research’



Im more worried for poor Lorna righ now bro


Was that Gary Dempsey?

Too much hair

James would generally be better off not speaking.


Does seem a bit of a sigh moment when James baselessly accused his former employer of child abuse just because James was annoyed that his former employer recognised that James had lost his marbles.