You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

It was 60 for the two jabs I believe, not sure what they get for the booster but itā€™s hardly the same amount again

I had over 4000 unread posts on this thread so forgive me for asking a question that may have already been answered.

Do you have to sign up for the booster or will you be called?

Such a basic question that I canā€™t find an answer forā€¦
No wonder Covid-19 is 2-0 ahead heading into 2022.

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Still even at ā‚¬30, youā€™d lash out 100 in a day no bother. 8 hour day 12.5 vaccines an hour. ā‚¬3k cash money fresh. Once a week for the next 12 weeks. ā‚¬36k for 12 days work.

And that is going handy enough at it and only wan day a week.


When you are in the category that is being called you can go to walk in. Or else you can go on a waiting list with a GP or Pharmacist. They are suppose to go in the same order, but thereā€™s a little nod and a wink in there now that once the person is past three months, jab em away ta fuck, while giving ā€œpriorityā€ to the older groups

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A GP would have 1200 people on the books who wouldnā€™t avail of the vaccine from the local vaccination centre, dunno about that now.

Youā€™ll be texted. If you want it quicker you can go to a walk in centre.

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Seems Thereā€™ll be no more restrictions pre the new year thankfully.

Evenin all. Had a productive day did we

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Iā€™ll wait another while so. Canā€™t remember when I got it.

Check your vaccination cert it will tell you the dates.

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Donā€™t be giving them ideas.

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James Melville has spoken

Ask me when Iā€™m sober about how they got GP s on board re abortion

And the truth shall set you free!

Was talking to a nurse doing jabs the last day. She gave 230 in a day.
230x30 is daycent money for a days work.

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Did I pick up Kingston Mills correctly on Virgin Media just now with Clare Brock ? I swear he said double vaccine offers jack shit protection as in zero protection against Omnicron??!! with a booster you have 70% protection

Iā€™d nearly get off the couch for it

If I was earning that kind of twine Iā€™d convince myself it was the right thing to do.

And the truth shall set you free

Come out of the rabbit hole FFS. :joy: :joy: :joy: Invermectin, Big Pharma, Robert Kennedy Jr., Hitler, Anne Frank, American Marxism. Links to a load of self published books and fox news interviews :joy: :joy: :joy:


Based on South African study, those who were previously vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer had 33% protection (essentially nothing) against infection / mild illness compared to unvaccinated but 70% protection against hospitalization. Booster brings protection back to 70% against mild illness, for how long is the question.