You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Groundhog day

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The issue in the health system is clearly an absenteeism issue. Pre Covid 20 per cent absenteeism was normal.

I’d say Nuala will be off next week for her nerves.

There is a “growing dread” among health professionals about what may lie ahead as the Omicron variant spreads, a consultant in Infectious Diseases at Beaumont Hospital said.

On RTÉ’s Morning Ireland, Dr Eoghan De Barra said while it remains to be seen how the variant will affect the number of patients in hospital, there will “almost certainly be a big impact on staffing numbers” and the ability to deliver care.

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A year later, vaccines boosters etc and we are no further on. Now the latest dangling carrot is the anti viral pills. Round and round we go.


Where would we honestly be now without the vaccines? A lot closer to the doomsday scenario that some of the more conservative ‘experts’ predicted last year anyway for sure.


They will be at the same shit in 3 years time, an awful few years ahead. These muppets have already stolen two years of peoples lives

Rinse and repeat. The nervous nellies will be out now screaming for lockdown. Government will use the auld NPHET safety blanket and Nolans models to announce a lockdown to appease the nervous nelllies and we will be locked down till August or something ridiculous while being on our 8th booster shot.


The vaccine should have ended it.

The fact it hasn’t says a lot about the world we now live in and how we can’t really assess risk anymore.


Booster number 4 this time next year if they are doing it every three months which of course they will, then every 6 months the next variant will arrive, it will be like this for 3 or 4 year untill the majority of people wake up

We’re looking at permanent lockdowns


This is shaping up to be the first winter ever where Irish hospitals will be overcrowded

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The Kent variant was 53 time more transmissible than the original variant, then the Delta variant was 65 times more transmissible than the Kent variant, Omicron is 77 times more transmissible than Delta, I suppose the next cod of a variant will be 87 times more transmittable than the omicron variant


The next variant will be heat seeking


Kev has had enough.


Lads aren’t bothered about lives being saved.

No chance this will happen here?

I never thought Kev would the average mans hero

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Kev hates fear mongering.

It’s The middle of winter. I’d be worried if the hospitalisations weren’t rising.

They’ll be more variants until we mandate the lads in the townships, the hippos, the mice and the mink to take their laptops home and barricade the doors shut.

I’m in thomond park on the 26th, leopardstown 27th -29th and dingle 30th to the 2nd. It’s imperative we keep the show on the road until the 3rd or 4th.