You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


That’s all fair and reasonable but dodges the vaccine passport issue. I had COVID about 3 weeks ago, spent a lovely afternoon having lunch in a certain restaurant in town when in hindsight I was riddled (Started feeling dodgy that evening so tested following day).
My Vax pass would have done fuck all good for whoever was near me. If the Vax pass is to force people to take a Vax let’s call it what it is and stop pretending it’s helping stop the spread

You’ve been screaming for months now anybody who’s anti vac is a far right extremist.

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God bless but you can forget about it.

The bad news regards further restrictions is coming as soon as next Monday.

We’ll be back to watching events on tv with no spectators present.

Some dose

How have you recovered mate?

What’s the harm in excluding the awkward squad and allowing normal people to carry on with their lives?

It’s not though, it is trying as best possible to stop higher risk individuals from entering public places, which seems reasonable enough in current circumstances. It’s not forcing vaccines on anyone.
There will always be individual exceptions, but the govt are looking at this epidemiologically (albeit advised by a panel who undoubtedly have personal gain from playing things up).

I’ve never said anybody who opposes vaccine passports is a fascist. Caroline Lucas opposed them and it would totally ludicrous to call her a fascist, as it would be Corbyn.

It’s youse lot here that are identifying opposition to passports with fascism.

Yis are categorising yisser selves as being fascist.

So who am I to say yis aren’t?

(Cc: of @Enrique).

The finest kid. Happy Xmas :+1:

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Her husband is a medic so I doubt it.

What personal gain?

It will eventually go the way of the exclusion of certain nomadic people

Is that your key concern?


What’s the word?

I’d guess pubs will close after Sunday, schools will close on Friday, everything else from 3pm on Christmas Eve?

Increasing ICU capacity sounds straightforward but isn’t. Even long term, who in their right mind currently sees healthcare as an attractive career choice. It all boils down to protecting the healthcare system. Even the best ones can be overrun. People say let’s get back to normal but I wonder would they still say that if we faced similar scenes to Italy and India where medics had to choose who lives and who dies. Easy say let it rip from the sidelines when you don’t have to face the consequences. Not directed at you btw, just a general opinion.

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26 Billion cases by New Years Eve, frightening


The number of beds available is easy to increase.

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A few beds maybe but the beds needed to cope with a pandemic?