You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Why can’t they turn pubs into ICUs? The barmen could do a half day’s ICU training course and Bob’s yer uncle, Mary’s yer Auntie.

How much are we spending a week on testing. What does testing achieve?

Fifty per cent of that into ICU over a year is a lot of beds

Yes. You said they’re playing things up for personal gain. What’s the personal gain?

They need to double ICU capacity to cater for people admitted to hospital with runny noses

THEY are playing things up for personal gain.


It takes years to train up staff to man an ICU bed. That can’t be fast tracked.

Assume you are right. We’re two years into this. Have we started that process ?

It takes about 2-3 years to train a nurse to be an ICU nurse. So by March 2022 or at latest 2023 we should have a lot of new ones.

But we won’t because you know that would take a bit of planning and foresight and less knee jerking.



Testing gives numbers to The Junta. They can do what they want with them then.

Why do you think they were so set against Antigen testing for so long?

I should clarify I’ve just edited my post to say I meant the vaccines work. The passports obviously have individual gaping flaws, but applied across a population seem reasonable.

Of course they are. They have increased capacity but again, nursing is hardly an attractive career choice right now.

Very happy to report that the already pointless Vaccine Cert checked that have been rendered even more pointless-er by recent VARIANTS are being downgraded at the gym. We started with a scan, then it was a look and now it’s just a question

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That’s simply not true


2021: 498*


2021: 498*-57

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You don’t think they are enjoying the attention/kudos/freedom of the city?
If not, why were they giving so many personal press briefings that the government was forced to order them to cease?

where is your gym? I need to ring the guards abut this contravention of public health guidelines

Eh, that’s the gym that’s downgraded mate.

You think they are playing up covid risk in order to increase their power and relevance because they enjoy it? I think that’s highly unlikely. I’ve been highly critical of NPHET for a long time but that’s a massive leap, you’re landing in conspiracy theory territory there.

I find it inexplicable but it is a ridiculously popular career choice

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My gym asked for certs before government mandated it. Allowed us to train like pre Covid. Made a lot of sense.

You have to play the game to live. The issue is when you play the game and the rules keep changing.

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