You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You were ok with it when the evidence pointed to the elderly needing to cocoon. What’s changed when the evidence shows the unvaccinated need to cocoon? Seems like you can’t abide by your own standards. Typical Fluvio hypocrisy.

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That’s unreal. For all the attacks on science and the vaccines they’ve gone and saved countless lives… Fair play to all who stood up, rolled their sleeves up and were counted.

The lads on here covered from head to toe in tin foil won’t like that article one bit.

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They should cocoon if they are worried about the virus. If they aren’t I tell them to go out and about their daily business.

I don’t want to restrict anyone, you want to discriminate against people who don’t do as you do. That’s fascists and it’s you exercising your white male privilege on minorities.

The posters here have made an excellent utilitarian argument that we should lock up the vulnerable and allow the rest of society to carry on with their lives. “Why should 95% suffer for 5%”, they said and they were right. This was completely different from a two-tier society and people calling then fascists just couldn’t accept reality. Their critics were hysterical babies I agreed with those posters all the way.

The unvaccinated are now the vulnerable section of society. They must be locked up. They wear tinfoil on their heads. This is the moral and utilitarian course if action. It is not fascism. It is a fair society allowing as many people as possible to get on with their lives.

This is the Great Barrington Declaration in action. The whackjob tinfoil hat weirdos must be thrown out of hospital onto their heads on the street and then removed to Spike Island to die.


Even by your usual remarkable strawmanning, this is a leap.

It’s not solely about them, it’s about their impact on society and blocking of health and ICU capacity. Why are the unvaccinated entitled to
consume more health resources than anyone else? What makes you such a precious little snowflake?

Amazing how the “experts” can’t figure out whether omicron is severe or not but are 100 percent sure a booster vaccine is effective.

It’s almost like they are making it up.


I’ve pointed your blatant hypocrisy on this before. Do we deny fat people and smokers from availing of health services. It’s proven beyond reason now that obesity is a huge factor in people being admitted to hospital with Covid. You continue to ignore this fact and dismiss it by saying it’s not a current problem when evidently it is.

It’s the entitled vaccinated like you are the ones spreading this virus by behaving recklessly and believing the shit vaccine you take allows you behave as you want.

I think it’s about time you parked your white male privilege and fascism at the door and showed some sincerity to match your virtue signalling.


#bias #agenda

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Why can’t you stay on topic. The unvaccinated are the current problem, not fat people or smokers.


They don’t like it when the needle is in the other arm…

But you’re correct, they need to practice what they preach.

Stop that cork has enough weirdos let alone to start importing more

How much have the unvaxxed cost the state do you reckon? They are traitors.


Fat people are a current, past and future problem.

Why do you continue to deal solely in lies and misinformation to support your fascist beliefs?

Mandatory gastric bands for those selfish fatties fucking up our health system.
Show your BMI passport to get into a pub or restaurant


@glasagusban is a fatty.

But he doesn’t want to have to make sacrifices so he demands other people make them for him.

White male privilege is his philosophy.

Absolute insanity if it is

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Why can’t you stay on topic? The unvaccinated are consuming a massively disproportionate amount of health resources. Do you accept that?

I’m staying on topic.

You’re morphing into The Doxxer now by refusing to address issues that contradict your fascist views.

Obesity is a huge issue with respect to Covid and hospital admissions? That’s what we’re discussing isn’t it? The impact of Covid on hospitals?

So why do you continue to refuse to address the huge role obesity is playing.

Do you accept that the unvaccinated are consuming a massively disproportionate amount of health resources? A simple yes or no will suffice.