You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We’re nearly two years into the pandemic (a mild respiratory virus for 99% of the population), Doofus.

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And yet the cao points required to get in to nursing are rising year on year. There is obviously no shortage of applicants.

It’s for their own good and for everyone else. I don’t want them to end up in ICU and I don’t want them blocking ICU capacity and affecting everyone else.

The unvaccinated should be required to cocoon now.


That’s good news. Just need to get them trained up.

Lots of employment options and transferrable to go travelling.

Secure public sector job with overtime benefits, pensionable etc.

Teaching and nursing seem to be the go to professions for educated women.

That would be the sensible approach alright.

Lots of faux sincerity there.

If you were since you wouldn’t leave a house, go to a pub, get on a plane, get in a car, take drugs etc and yet you do all these things with scant regard for the health service so spare us the indignation. Your views on this are extremely fascist and authoritarian.

It will take at least 4 years so it’s not as simple to increase capacity as some would have you believe. If the points are the same it would suggest that there hasn’t been an increase in places. Anyway, prevention rather than cure would be preferable unless you’re @gaillimhmick of course.

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Why is he not accountable to his innumerable mistakes? Why has he not held his hands up and recognised he and NPHET have got things badly wrong and fed lies to the public.

We’re in the same position, lots of restrictions, more coming our way with mass vaccination uptake and cases going through the roof.

We’d be better off if all the people who are not at risk of the virus contracted it naturally and had natural immunity. Keep the vaccines to the elderly and vulnerable much like we do with that other mild respiratory virus, flu.

Agreed on half your list. Besides our disagreement narrasists have picked a side and gained following for themselves on both sides of the covid arguement.

Nurses get a lot of time off too.

After a week of nights they get a full week off. Camden Street would be full of them on a random Tuesday night.


He is untouchable without a political fallout. Stonewall ffg supporters (particularly in pensioners age bracket) are highly supportive of him. Removing him will further dent ffg at their based imho

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Leopardstown should be called off or at least behind closed doors


It will hardly go ahead?

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I’m just pointing out your double standards. You don’t really seem to care about your own risk of spreading Covid. You just want other people to be sacrificed so you can go on behaving recklessly and pontificating.

Your white male privilege unleashing itself once again. You like to make racist diatribes against Italians like me and my Eastern European friends who have made conscious decisions to not get vaccinated. I respect people who choose to get vaccinated, it’s a pity that they can’t afford me the same respect and in fact want to discriminate and ostracise.


Ewan ewan ewan


A cunt of a man.

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It’s insanity if restrictions come in.