You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Gislaine Maxwell goes on trial, a lot of political and media elites have a lot to lose. Could do with a sudden distraction. I know, lets make runny noses the new killer thingy. Lets give it a scary name too, they lap that shit up.
Meanwhile hospital numbers decreasing daily

But yer man on the Ryan Air flight said all the footballers are dying if heart attacks and to do research. I don’t know who to believe anymore

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Herself is after getting names as a close contact. Her busiest week of the year gone for a burton :man_facepalming:t2:

Tell her to cop the fuck on. Do a test get on with it.


COVID was described to me recently by a hospital employee.
Likened it to people breathing “ like they have plastic bags over their heads suffocating “.

I dunno what to believe, know loads of people who have had it and have no ills effects to report.

Primetime reporting the UK had ‘their worst day ever’ in terms of the Pandemic. No they didn’t


She had gone for one this morning anyway, we had a wedding last weekend that has thrown up a meitheal of positives.

Paddy… drink…etc

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You are so full of shite it’s remarkable.
Remember when you were toting ivermectin as a panacea?
You need to stop taking the reader’s digest at face value.

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It’s really bothering you that you posted a load of shite and have been called out on it. A normal person would have thanked my highly informative and educational post in response to your anti science gibberish, but not flattytheego.

Stick to mortar mixing.

The speed at which this omni variant spreads is wicked… The whole if the UK is riddled in just a couple of weeks… They’ll be fucked by mid January but will be back to normal quick time just as we are beginning our peak.

What the fuck is this 30 minute thing

Helps e anyway. It takes me a half hour to throw a post together

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Id imagine the three reasons for covid certs are

  1. Encourage people to get the vaccine (definitely achieved its aim here with all the young crowd getting the jab to go to the pub)
  2. Reduce the chance of unvaccinated people to catch the virus as it is believed if they catch the virus they are more likely to take up a hospital bed/ICU bed than a similar vaccinated person.
  3. Unvaxxed are infectious for slightly longer than vaccinated people

Now obviously there are probably experts to argue against all these things but most agree with them and it’s a democracy so they win the argument. Theyre annoying and probably worth fuck all with so many vaxxed but they’re not quite as pointless as lads make out.

The maddest thing about the latest turn of events is that the LIDTF crew were just on the verge of being proved completely wrong and the OIUTF name was being etched on the covid cup as hospital numbers dropped and everyone got boostered. Suddenly Omicron hits the UK and cheasty and Tomas Ryan are like Johnny and billy Dooley popping points over from the sideline unmarked.


No leaks from Nphet tonight. Not like them

Ken Early hasn’t a clue about football and is a shite journalist!

It’s going to be confirmed No extra restrictions thankfully.

He’s only reporting the facts on heart problems in football

Literally everyone I know in the UK (around 5 people) seem to have tested positive for Covid in the last 3 days.


This letter from Holohan is going to be a humdinger. He’ll really lower the blade.

My prediction is all sport back to behind closed doors, the 90 minute limit back for pubs and restaurants, only essential travel and, if he’s really bullish, the closure of non essential retail.


NPHET would be lynched if they suggested that for christmas week