You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Itā€™s a mild respiratory virus at the end of the day.

They hype it up to the gills but when you break it down and look at the substance over form you can clearly see the reaction is a bit of a cod.

Itā€™s dangerous to people in bad health but generally harmless to fit and healthy people.


This is what the schleppers like @tank, @the_man_himself and @glasagusban are too thick to get.

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ā€œAll truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed , second it is violently opposed, and third it is accepted as self-evidentā€ Arthur Schopenhaur, German Philosopher, 1788-1860.

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The ball is burst the game is over.


The game looks over alright. No more Premier League after tonight.

Which stage do you start casting paedophilia shade on people who say things you donā€™t agree with??

Or is that par for the course?

In the right wing circles these lads have decided to become part of, yes, yes it is.

It is one of the central defining things that holds these fruit loops together.

Anybody they dislike is a paedophile.

Meanwhile these lads plead eternal loyalty to Donald Trump, who is a serial rapist and credibly accused of raping a 13 year old along with Jeffrey Epstein.


@Rocko I suggest you reach for a muzzle before a defamation case is landed at your feet.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Doxxer Contradiction #2

Anti-rapist Donald Trump
Pro-rapist Bill Clinton

Better get onto @Rocko @Watchyourtoes :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Which part is you believing fake doctors you big fat fool? :smiley:

FOTF Barry has the covid.

Sssssssshhhhhh, the liars wonā€™t like this!

Oh look another lad who knows nothing about everything


You posted utter rubbish, live with it.

But you got a like from a fellow moron, well done.


30 mins between posts - we must be crashing the server?

That will be tested when Tony locks us all down