You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Ireland’s Covid coverage is definitely unique. We are not the only ones to lose our minds over it and to react a bit hysterically at time, but the relentless nature in Ireland is interesting.

I’m curious on what would/will happen in Ireland once masks are dropped. My experience is that it doesn’t matter how clued in a population is, they will drop masks quickly once they aren’t mandated. They will go back on when people are a bit scared over cases. That is my experience of the East Coast and the U.K. at least in the last few months from going back and forth a bit. Ireland has just been non stop, though with an undercurrent of widespread “rule” breaking over the summer. Many were happy enough to keep places closed for the illusion of safety whilst breaking the the rules in their homes at any chance they got.

The attitude that you are vaccinated but can do no more is the healthy one to take. That was my relatives attitude at Thanksgiving.


You are incredibly childish and a hypocrite.

Everything you say going forward needs to have an asterisks placed on it.

The holier than thou act. No one is buying it anymore kid.

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I couldn’t believe the amount of paper and radio ads in the last few weeks about cancelling meet ups and parties. It was relentless. Rte may top last years 5m profit this year

  • I have a friend, let’s call him Mick
  • his father is retired a few years. He seemed to be getting on really well in retirement. He had been really active and losing weight for about 2 years
  • during the lockdown He got really sick with covid like symptoms. He was in ICU. He was tested repeatedly for covid but always tested negative.
  • I say he was in hospital for about 4 months, not sure exactly. They all thought he was going to die.
  • eventually he got diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disorder called Good Pasture Syndrome, in which th body attacks the kidneys. Once it was diagnosed they were able to treat it and I think he’ll be home for Christmas.
  • they don’t really know what caused it. At one stage one of the consultants in the Beacon suggested that maybe even the vaccine might have triggered it but they don’t know. I should also say that I’m sure they said a lot of things over thise months.
  • I think these vaccines were tested with 2 doses. They were never tested with 3 doses or even infinite doses every 3 months apart. We do t k ow what effect that will have
  • I dont know if I’d be comfortable getting doses every 3 months. The effects of that on the immune system haven’t been studied. Have rates of auto immune disorders in the general vaccinated public and general unvaccinated public been studied? U don’t mean tests that just involve a few thousand people, I mean what are the stats for the general population?
  • the effects of the previous booster dose will still be felt after 3 months for most people when they get the next booster. Is that fair? Might that make a difference to the risks associated with the vaccine?
  • the risks of 2 doses are negligible but might there be a sliding scale of risk depending on the number and frequency of doses?
  • ecstacy is a case in point. It wasn’t known in the 90s that frequent dosage gradually changed brain chemistry. I appreciate the immune system is a wholly different system but how can anyone know what effects frequent dosage might cause.
  • frequent dosage of paracetamol or antibiotics isn’t thought to be good fir you and is thought to reduce the effectiveness of one’s own immune system.
  • if it was found in 30 years time that frequent repeated dosage increased autoimmune disorders by 1% when those vaccinated children grew up, that would be devastating

I dont know if I’m comfortable with this plan.


Michael O’Leary is only repeating what I’ve been saying for the last number of weeks. What’s your issue with that? Why do you want to muzzle Michael O’Leary?

The only way we’ll get out of this mess is if everybody goes back to normal and they end restrictions. The media should be banned from reporting on it. After six weeks it would be forgotten about.


I’ve no major issues with the vaccine, they are doing a good job in preventing serious illness. But they have minimal testing, as can be seen with the rapidly waning efficacy. I don’t know Michael Martin can stand up and say boosters will save us when he stood up and said the initial vaccine program would end this 6 months ago.

The truth is no one knows, everyone is winging it, but some making an absolute fortune out of getting it wrong.


OIUTF’s authoritarianism shows itself yet again… :grinning:

You’ve repeatedly called me a liar for saying that the vaccines don’t prevent transmission or provide immunity. Surely now you’ll admit that they don’t do either of those things.

Its just that you’re such a good guy you will go along with the narrative even if its total bullshit. That is clear.

Piggy backing off Mick O’Leary now for a sneer is fairly low brow though.

But there you are in the same boat as the unvaccinated not able to enjoy life past 8pm at Christmas. That absolutely sickens you. Don’t blame me for it as a poster who has to this day never had covid.


Michael Martin is like Ron Burgandy he will say anything that is written down or on teleprompter and ask no questions on it.


I knew a guy from Eastern Europe. Lovely lad, early fifties. He had a bad reaction to a vaccine donkeys years ago behind the iron curtain and therefore was an anti vaxxer. Anyway, about a month ago the whole family got the covid and he unfortunately died of it.
Fierce sad, a young family.


That’s incredible

Puking rings around me after booster yesterday. Thought the gallon of gargle would settle it but this is a strong dose. Could be the one to wipe out Covid forever good and proper.


This a really long and incoherent and mostly pointless from you mate. Anyway, if you have concerns about repeats of vaccines that’s fine, your body your choice. (I think the concerns above are a bit mad because I’m sure you’ve put far worse into yourself, repeatedly, but that’s neither here nor there.) So having made that choice I’m sure you won’t mind not being allowed in a pub or club or match or on a plane or in a supermarket and will kindly step aside and let everyone else get on with their lives. Personal responsibility for all. Then when the vaccines or meds improve enough, or the virus becomes somehow less dangerous, you and the rest of the awkward squad can rejoin society once it’s safe to do so. It probably won’t take longer than another year or two but who knows. No one is forced to do anything they don’t want to, and we’ll all arrive at the same point in the end so everyone should be happy. Who knows, maybe the lads who took the vaccines will be sterile by the time you are allowed rejoin society and you’ll be proven right in the end, stranger things have happened.

You need a good clear out after all the fine food and hooch over last 3 weeks …the body is telling you it needs a few salads …

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It was either a bad pint or a bad booster

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Cc @mickee321

Lads drink, smoke, ate shite food, take drugs… But then get high and mighty about the vaccine - ‘I’m not putting that shit into my body’ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:… Hopefully the tablet @Tierneevin1979 was on about is out soon, but what’s a bit of medicine every few months? The same fuckers would fire back any kind of pain killers when they have an issue, or anti biotics when needed… They’ll do far worse to their bodies over Christmas than the vaccine will ever do to them… But, but, but…you don’t know what’s in the vaccine…


Which one did you get, as a matter of interest?

Whats wrong with what he said? He’s a practical businessman and a straight talker. Are you upset because Michael O’Leary says you shouldn’t be allowed on a plane? Did he hurt your feelings?

It’s been interesting to observe your slide from a bit of a godhelpus contrarian to full blown loony conspiracy theorist.