You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Anyone daft enough to be eating outside in December is beyond help


They probably came to the conclusion Eating outdoors in December in Ireland was more dangerous than covid tbf.


Is this going to be the new rallying cry for justifying restrictions? I’m not targeting you as I know you are talking about boosters but it’s been curious in the last couple of days that the usual suspects online who justified restrictions with a “save the health service until vaccines” have been a bit stumped about their new end game. I’m not sure if Varadkar was being cute or snakey (could be either with him) by saying we could have “breaks” between restrictions after Omicron but it has certainly put a new spin on things. There’s no real end game so it’s time to admit that and the people impacted by that can finally play their cards. Is it all going to be about waiting for the “improved” vaccines to justify people not being able to work….?


A mild respiratory virus.

Seriously, are there people who still believe you can’t get Covid after vaccination??
I thought that was cleared up months ago, and now we’re laughing at people for contracting a virus?

Was chatting to a pal of mine back from NY this week. He was last here in 2020 before vaccines and at that stage he was wearing a mask on the street here (as they did in NY at time ) and was quite nervous about things. At the time mask wearing here was only coming into place and nobody wore one outside.

He said his attitude post vaccine was he was now as protected as he could be and a mask offered no additional protection indoors or outdoors and that US was more or less back to normal life. He was stunned at the hysteria here and the dominance of Covid on news and everywhere he turned.


If you can catch it anyway, why mandate vaccines to go anywhere?

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I think they’ll pull it quick enough,tbh.
Look at the 7,333 cases reported yesterday.(Even though I read somewhere 3k of those were older ones)

That’s all the ammunition they need and I’d guarantee you the Chief Misery Officer would have had a horn you could hang the washing on when that figure was released.The scaldy killjoy hoor.

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The game is rigged.


Will mayo finally do it next year with all the lads accounted for now?

A very good point. I’d go further though. A triple vaxxed couple can no longer go to a restaurant past 8pm in this country.

And that cunt you’re responding to is trying to champion mandatory vaccines from the back door. Looking for a rise this morning re Mick O’Leary.

A nasty piece of work really who is actually rattled at his own stupidity subconsciously id say.

Its appalling schtick anyway. Snide stuff. Signals of deep unhappiness.

Hopefully you’re happy now you’ve dragged everybody in society down into the same misery hole as yourself.

FFS sake

Did you get off early tonight?

There is no end game… We’re waiting for a cure to be invented but in the mean time lots of profit will be made trying to get there.

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There will be no cure though, mate. Its a respitory virus that will continue to mutate until its effectively the same as a common cold.


Michael O’Leary should be running the country.

Unvaccinated ‘shouldn’t be allowed’ on planes, says Michael O’Leary (via @IrishTimes) Unvaccinated ‘shouldn’t be allowed’ on planes, says Michael O’Leary

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We need more restrictions, otherwise hospitalisations will keep falling


It’s a total nonsense there’s any restrictions.