You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Interesting read… Who’s dictating the modelling here?


Even @Cheasty has to admit defeat now

Have you considered moving to South Africa?

Some snippets from radio this morning with Dr Tony and Leo

1 in 7 people who died with Covid in Ireland caught it in hospital. The HSE are not responsible for this because vulnerable people die

They are saying 25 per cent of population may be a close contact within two weeks and have to isolate - that may impact essential services

The death and hospitalisations rate is way down post vaccination so vaccine appears to be holding. Evidence that Omicron is milder but concerned that transmission means a good chunk end up in hospital or sick and not available to work

I expect we will have to live with Covid by changing isolation rules and you go to work unless you are sick and unable to


This right here is the nonsense.

It’s a mild respiratory virus for the majority of the population yet we have lunatics running around in a frenzy petrified of it.


Booster lined up for tomorrow… Christmas has come early :clap:

Why do you want to be sick for Christmas?

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Another really strange comment. What do you mean I knew what I was doing? :grinning: I posted it up :joy:
I why are you so offended at the mention of O’Leary??

Anyhow, as usual I’m sorry that I ever brought you on me :man_shrugging:

Are you accusing another poster of bullying you now Mother Teresa?


Carrie and the mutt.

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What’s your issue with Michael O’Leary?

When you can survive 3 months in SE Asia on €1000, your constitution can handle anything… Pass the fried rat there pal.

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O’Leary said at the weekend it should be mandatory to be vaccinated in order to travel on a plane.

He also said the unvaccinated should not be allowed into hospitals or pharmacies.

He bascially called for a complete two tier society. I think that is absolutely abhorrent.

If you can’t see how dangerous that talk is for society in general. I can’t do anymore for you on the topic I’m afraid.


Yeah exactly sure that’s why I posted it up. That’s more or less what I’ve been saying too. Isn’t he entitled to his view? Why can’t you explain why you disagree without having a hissy fit? Why can’t you have a grown up conversation about taking personal responsibility for your own choices?

Even with the 30 minutes time fellas are still hopping. Fantastic work

loop sausages GIF

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No surprise that after a weekend of running down vaccines that booster take up would slow.

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I got my booster on Friday. I had another call this morning asking me if I was coming in for one.

I briefly thought about going again.


But others here are demanding over 60s/ vulnerable get a booster and social distance to let young people get on with their life… Is that not a two tier society?

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You’re a zealot, a fanatic and the way people like you work is that they come up with all sorts of weird justifications for their extreme views.

O’Leary can say what he wants but there’s no denying, the discriminatory language and targeting of a minority group. The threats are there, conform to our way or you’ll be ostracised from society. Not very tolerant or respectful we can all agree but it bullying, it is coercive and fanatics like you will find all sorts of weird justifications for your extreme views.

People should not be discriminated against on the basis of their vaccine status particularly when the vaccine rollout as been such an abundant failures as we are now facing heavy restrictions and possible lockdowns in the facts of huge vaccine uptake and an additional booster rollout sprung on the population.

The coming years are not going to be kind to your batshit crazy extreme views that are recorded on here.