You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

No suggestion of bullying at all

I just hate drawing you on me, Iā€™d be quite happy to have absolutely no contact with you at all, youā€™d wear a fella down. Itā€™s draining
Please feel free to view that as a victory, :+1:

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@mickee321 I think I basically won? Iā€™m calling a victory on points.

First world problems

Donā€™t forget to tell everyone on Facebook and wear your ā€œI got my boosterā€ badge around town


They were grand when it was the over 70s had to cocoon but when itā€™s their turn itā€™s discrimination. Iā€™ve never seen such selfishness and hypocrisy.

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I would not be in favour of that scenario whatsoever, mate.

Are you in favour of mandatory vaccination which would mean if you donā€™t take the latest booster - you lose your job, access to supermarkets, travel, hospitality etc etc

Basically every ordinary piece of life would be gone all for a vaccine (that we currently have) that doesnt stop transmission or provide immunity.

End of the day the triple vaccinated canā€™t even go into a restaurant or cinema tonight past 8pm. What does that say to you re their efficacy?


Vaccines are to keep hospital omissions down and to stop as many people as possible from getting sick. In that regard, theyā€™re working. Restrictions are made by those in positions of power, thatā€™s a different story altogetherā€¦

Cocooning was only ever advisory. There was never any legislation that prevented over 70s not being able to go into a supermarket or leave their home.

Once again you donā€™t seem intelligent or emotionally mature enough to make basic distinctions.

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Howā€™s the legs today?

8 week circuit breaker is the new thing

We need to break the cycle of stable case numbers and falling hospitalisations.


Grand except for going down steps or hills, did a small jog this morning

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Sorry pal, Iā€™m not on any of those sitesā€¦ Sounds like you need to get off them yourself, theyā€™re not doing your mental welfare any good it seems.


Really shows up the lies of @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @The_Most_Infamous in simple figure. The numbers donā€™t lie.

Positive antigens flying at work. Prepare for horrendous queues as lads with nothing wrong with them are isolating at home


and still no chance youd turn the machines on :smiley:

youd want your head examined to be going through DA at this time of year

The vaccinations are holding up very well. TBH, I think the next logical step is to ban awkward squad members from society and imprison them if they try to illegally exist.

I watched that clip of an unvaccinated healthcare worker accosting Pat Kenny last week with a mixture of horror and terror.

Whatever about stalking a media personality, Pat Kenny is also a vulnerable old man. But those sickening things donā€™t even register when you rewind backā€¦an unvaccinated healthcare workerā€¦the mind actually boggles. That chap should have been arrested for being outside and he should certainly not be let near any healthcare setting while unvaccinated.

These conspiracy theorist nuts are hell bent on prolonging the pandemic but itā€™s time they were told to get bent. They can stay inside and starve or join the rest of us in pulling together.

Iā€™d like to hear Michael Oā€™Learyā€™s thoughts on this too. A lot of people value his opinion and think he should be running the country.


O Leary has had a great pandemic