You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

True. All of that is so true

Just got the Pfizer hat-trick. Match ball signed by the vaccinators, GPs and support staff was a lovely touch indeed.


Ole, ole, ole, ole, oleā€¦

Its like giving you a new football but on the way out the door they stick the needle in it, meaning youā€™ll have to go back in 3 months for another one

Heading out the door for my booster now. Is today the official TFK jab day or something

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99.8% of adults in Denmark have been vaccinated, so by definition essentially all those hospitalized and dying of Covid are vaccinated.

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@Iggy can you tell me which side on TFK youā€™re on so I know whether this is good or bad news?


Yer man Professor Bollox is a right wing fascist iirc

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Iā€™d say thatā€™s a load of Balloux.

Itā€™s good news no matter what side youā€™re onā€¦ My inauculator today said the omnibus is a mild variant and between that and people getting their third shot this might be the end of big surges.

@Cheasty you must be thrilled with this news?

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Night clubs will be open for new yearā€™s

Professor Balloux like myself is a militant centrist and a voice of reason. I am going out on the limb with him here and would say Omicron will end the pandemic.

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I stand with you.

Weā€™re done with this by March 16th

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Not ideal but a date to look forward to.

A great lady, carrying a large cross on behalf of us all. When the light shines on the truth the world will be embarrassed at how good people like this were suppressed. Iā€™d imagine similiar to the shame the Germans felt after WW2.

If she were in WW II she would have been one of those ushering the Jews in to the showers saying to ignore the smell of gas that itā€™s only a little leak.

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Iā€™d say thereā€™s a few lads bookmarking this as I type.

