You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The Scandanavians have had a great pandemic.

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The Chines Communist Party, the immune system and virus mutation is a great bunch of lads.

Sure anyone with a brain can see the vaccine has been a complete and only failure. If someone is pedaling something different to this then they are either a shill or a dunce.

Thatā€™s a poorly written speculative piece. Whoā€™s your man?

You canā€™t trust anything the media tells you. Only what some randomer with a blog says


This true.

But, younger lads that I know are still living it up, chasing tail and playing sports. Theyā€™re living it up with house parties and as a fella says to me the other day, where thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way.

You seem terribly bothered that a certain cohort might be more content than another it appears.

Perhaps stop overthinking the whole thing and ā€œ try living your best life ā€œ


Why didnā€™t we impose restrictions in 2018 with 700/800 on hospital trolleys?

Because it was only flu? The flu deniers can never address this only try and dismiss the undeniable fact that flu can also be a serious virus for the elderly and those in poor health.

The people that come out of this looking the most idiotic are the bedwetters crying for restrictions to protect the health service. The same spoons didnā€™t batt an eyelid when seasonal flu ravaged the health service on an annual basis. Where were they then? Another question that is never answered.

Look at the daily hospital numbers, capacity is a good bit off being hit, thereā€™s not 7/800 on hospital trolleys this winter. Why were you chumps not calling for the health service to be protected every year before flu got rebranded with an aggressive marketing campaign? Thereā€™s no record here of the Screaming Mary posters here calling for this is 17/18/19 when the health service was overwhelmed.

We found out recently that around 1/5 of Covid deaths were actually hospital deaths - the rest being care homes or the likes. So only ~20% of Covid deaths were from hospitals and a further 20% of those deaths were actually people who contracted Covid in hospital themselves. How does this feed into the need to protect the health service. Should we not protect the health service by not driving, not playing sports, not drinking, not smoking, not eating fatty and sugar-laden foods, not taking drugs? No we should protect the health service by being anti-social.

Where were the likes of @farmerinthecity, @mikehunt and The Doxxer in 2017/18 crying for the health service to be saved, for lives to be protected from an aggressive flu strain that caused huge excess deaths? They didnā€™t care, there must have been little capital to me made of insincere concern back then. I know the latter is a manipulative narcissist but are the other two are probably just too naive and stupid and dug in now to admit they were codded.

Why canā€™t the naive people cotton on to their stupidity, it seems that pride and ego are the biggest issue for people here. The clowns like @mikehunt and @farmerinthecity who would rather remain stupid that try and deal with a little bit of embarrassment. Shame on them, Iā€™ll gladly keep calling them out on it, with gusto.


@Enrique and @Horsebox have had a great pandemic. Their unwavering stance on standing up for those most affected during this pandemic is admirable. Lads in their late teens and 20s will never be able to repay the tremendous internetting done on their behalf.


They really care. :smiley:

Covid: The biggest overreaction in history.


Sorry guys, Iā€™m a Pfizer wanker again :pleading_face:

EU sets binding nine-month validity of vaccinations for Covid-19 travel pass (via @IrishTimes) EU sets binding nine-month validity of vaccinations for Covid-19 travel pass

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The ā€œexpertsā€ are concerned that if cases fall before restrictions then they canā€™t put it down to restrictions


Well, thereā€™s no proper ā€œtest sampleā€ because every country is different and you canā€™t directly compare.

They admitted they donā€™t model optimistic scenarios as that wonā€™t get decisions made. The models deliberately ignore voluntary behaviour changes.

Yeah, after Fraser Nelsonā€™s twitter exchange with the SAGE guy the genie is out of the bottle re modelling.


Just en route for my boost. Did you get a new badge or sticker or do they expect people to recycle (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) stuff from the first two doses?

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I told the doc to keep it for someone more in need as I was happy to continue using my original sticker. The joys of marrying into affluence meant that we were able to organise a shot with a doctor friend of family just yesterday and were put to the top of the list today. I got handed a tin of quality streets and was told to have a chew on a couple of sweets while she did her admin bitā€¦ In and out in 6.3 minutes.

A great country and 94% of us are a great bunch of lads.


Thinly veiled @Bandage and @Thomas_Brady were told by their life partners to get jabbed or thereā€™d be no darts

I wonā€™t be darting any time soon pal. Not till I get a vasectomie sorted in the new year. Two of the bastards is enough for me, and the planet.
@Bandage , can we lift this 30 minutes thingy? Itā€™s hard to josh with your e-mates with it in placeā€¦ Now that pubs are gone, TFK has a responsibility to provide extra services for its patrons over Christmas.