You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The Only Fans women laughing all the way to the bank.

4th timeā€™s a charm

Has Lukie got another book out for the Christmas?

You canā€™t compare Ireland with South Africa, only Denmark, and you canā€™t compare Ireland to Sweden.
But if you can compare Sweden to Denmark, and Ireland to Denmark, does that mean we can in fact compare Ireland to Sweden?




She was using ZA as a comparison a day ago.

I found them to work perfectly well. It detected 4 cases of covid before symptoms started. The other one had symptoms and we did the antigen test and it was positive. 2 of the kids didnā€™t have symptoms but tested positive on the antigen and subsequent pcr.

@the_man_himself when a close contact, they send you tests and a link to upload results of antigen test. So maybe some people did upload their results but didnā€™t do pcr. Iā€™m not sure why tho, if anyone bothered their hole to do that theyā€™d surely do a pcr too.

Did Lukie tell us to ā€˜stick Grandpa over by the windowā€™ this Christmas?


He did mention opening the window but was as explicit in sticking grandad near it


Even PCR tests are only at a point in time. My sisterā€™s husband was positive for Covid. She got tested and the two kids. All clear despite my sister feeling shit. Then kids began to feel sick. Back for three more PCR tests. Sister and one of the kids positive, other negative. Other kid still complaining of symptoms. Back again for her and finally a positive diagnosis.

My conclusion is that itā€™s all just madness at the moment.


Dr Corinna Sadlier in the RTE Cork studio told us on Prime Time there that the majority of those in ICU in CUH are unvaccinated, while Ray Kennedy earlier informed News at Nine viewers that two thirds of those <50 years old in ICU in the north are unvaccinated.

Would people still isolate if they were a close contact?

The rotten smelly unvaxxed are destroying the country. Theyā€™ve us locked up and locked outā€¦ Youā€™ve gimps on here attacking lads with kids happy to sit in with a beer and get 10 minutes peace and quiet, like theyā€™re the enemy of the youth not livingā€¦ When itā€™s clearly the unvaxxed. If you want life to go back to some bit of normality , where we can have crowds again and hold a civic reception for @Enrique and @Horsebox for all theyā€™ve done for young people during covidā€¦ Then get onto these unhinged unvaccinated nutters. Theyā€™re holding us all hostage.


The antigen tests are just another tool to try to combat the virus. They are imperfect but are a cheap and easy way to catch some cases early and itā€™s great that they are finally being used here although it took us long enough to get there.


SAGE as in self aligned gate?
apologies Iā€™m knee deep in semi conductors here

Itā€™s fizzling outā€¦ah shite.

You must have spent all day trolling Twitter for that.


So your admitting itā€™s fizzling out ?

Give this a listen. He explains the mechanism and possible mutations of covid and where it may be going towards the end.

I will in me feckinā€™ hoop. That McCullough guy is a Grade A nutcase and media whore to be avoided like, eh, Omicron.

Re the reports of Super Dooper Omicron, this guy suspects itā€™s a case of contamination in the German lab from which the reports emerged.

There is this, however:

Trust the science.

The science needs more time.