You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Perfect, sound. Will cash do? Your a good fella for sorting that

Could it be a side effect of covid long term? Worth investigating too

A once great poster in decline sadly.

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Why donā€™t you think it warrants investigation? Would you not be alarmed at players increasingly collapsing on the field of play? Would you not think everything should be investigated in this regard?

Why do you want to censor and dismiss questions being asked? Why do you want to dismiss a potential reason when you donā€™t know the reason yourself?

Who knows? But why did it not raise itā€™s head before the summer when Covid had already been around 14/15 months?

The timeline would suggest that itā€™s more in line with the vaccination rollout. But everything should be investigated, bizarre some people are willing just to completely dismiss something out of hand.

Is there a sudden increase?

Where are the stats?

I mean Iā€™d say anybody with a cursory interest in sport can name at least a few players who died suddenly or came close to dying, mostly while playing, off the top of their heads.

Hank Gathers
Michael Klein
Marc Vivien Foe
Cormac McAnallen
John McCall
Miklos Feher
Phil Oā€™Donnell
Antonio Puerta
Dani Jarque
Fabrice Muamba
Kevin McCloy

Presumably these were all due to the Covid vaccines, or something.

Or maybe Covid is a significant elevated risk factor for cardiac problems. All the evidence says it is.

I was waffling on yesterday about how parents of young kids would likely move to SF in their droves at the next election because of the gaslighting about safety of kids in schools, abandonment of contact tracing, failure to implement any enhanced ventilation measures (other than open windows and put on your coats).

And then this. This is real cowardice, is it not? Either stand over it and recommend it or donā€™t. Itā€™s like they think thereā€ll be a huge backlash against kidsā€™ cocooning so theyā€™re hiding behind Holohan.

Although it would be great if these indoor Santa grotto type affairs were banned. I donā€™t want to drive to Meath in a couple of weeks.


Yes, but what would you expect from a government that has handed power over to NPHET

A point to note on this. South Africans require a visa, obtained in advance, to board a plane to the UK. They do not require one for here

Sitting at a window sneaking a peek at kids going to school. Youā€™re cracking up pal.

There was an inevitability about it if weā€™re being honest.

The main problem is the government that have power. They are the ones with the power, not NPHET.

This government is like having Twink managing an inter county hurling team. NPHET are Humphrey Kelleher, who is official hurling adviser to Twink. Twink rings up Humphrey a couple of times a week to get some hurling expertise. Humphrey can give Twink a few nuggets of hurling information, but Twink is the manager.

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Ah lookit, theyā€™re being robbed of their youth the poor souls. Life is so cruel.

Great Post, we need to make Archbishop Holohan Taoiseach. Thereā€™s a long line of doctors involved in politics in this country.

Iā€™ll give you a 100% honest answer, that you will think is a wind up.


145 deaths up north now in November
136 of whom are >60

So 94% of deaths are coming from a cohort who apparently are 100% vaccinated.

But the anti-vaxxers something, something, something.

Here you are trying to equate someone who has had one jab with someone who is fully vaccinated of which the number is not 100%.


Itā€™s here.

Anything to be said for locking up poor people again?

Guys itā€™s not the time for sarcasm and whimsy. We need to be vigilant to this new strain.