You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

What about the other 2 in that window? Why did they collapse?

So that’s 3 of the 5 which either had existing issues or were unvaccinated.

Seems like not being vaccinated is causing heart attacks in footballers.

Dunno. That’s the whole point isn’t it.

You seem to want to dismiss what could be a very probably cause. This is what’s worrying for society, idiots like you swallowing every bit of propaganda you are told.

There’s a reason why a lot of top level athletes are sceptical to the vaccines.

Not being vaccinated against something they’ve never contracted?

Arguably your most stupid contribution yet? It would be different if Wyke and Eriksen ever had Covid.

I don’t have your approval? Oh no, what will I do now …

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Not a very probable cause

It was a very weak response alright. Complete misrepresentation of my point which I like but not in any way funny or intelligent way which I don’t like. A poster in irreversible decline unfortunately. Bitching about his life and pissing on anyone enjoying themselves is 95% of his posts now sadly.


How would you know? What’s your medical and scientific background for making this case.

You’re the one calling it a very probable cause. The burden of proof is on you with your medical and scientific background

Who’s enjoying themselves? Name them the cunt…


Of course it is.

Why the sudden increase? 3 players collapsed last week alone. You are the one who doesn’t want questions asked and dismiss a probable cause without any basis.

All we’re doing is asking questions, why do you want to censor that? Why are people who question the narrative silenced from public debate, there’s plenty of people from a medical and scientific background that have had diverging views from the very outset, the issue is that you only get a platform to voice your views if you spread the narrative.

Fascism has taken over the world in the past 18 months, you’re just too fickle and naive to cop onto it or else you’re just to embarrassed to admit you’ve been played like a fiddle. Either way it doesn’t speak well for you.


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If only we’d listened to the experts
Geert van mcbosch and Robert malone. The heroes we needed but not the ones we deserved.
In fairness we had luke guiding us from inside a plastic bubble

Agreed. Most of them should stay at home in Capetown.


The myth that it’s a walk in the park for people with young families is quite common here,
A good many round throw the kids to the wolves so they could get pissed in public 4 nights a week.
Entertaining kids during a lockdown is ducking hard, getting them to go tje schoolwork is hard, I’m not disputing that it’s awful for 20 somethings but they don’t have a monopoly on difficulties


Why are you including unvaccinated players in your facts and figures?

Not surprising to hear you with another sob story.

You poor thing.

You seem to ignore the questions I asked you.

It seems that you have a very sinister agenda at play here.

Baffles me as to why someone would not want all possible reasons examined as to why more and more footballers have been collapsing on the field of play erecently.

How many footballers collapsed in matches from Feb 20 - Mar/Apr 21? Why the sudden upturn? Is there anything that happened from then that could be the reason? Why don’t you want that examined?

I don’t know the reason for the sudden increase. Neither do you. Given it seems to effect vaccinated and unvaccinated players equally I don’t see how it’s connected