You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

the pricks that locked us down are the same pricks that misread the risk are the same pricks that will be unaffected by the new levies


Could they not all meet up and have a feed. If they all have covid with muld/zero symptoms what harm.

Missing fascism are we?

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We all partied so we did.


I’d say the lads in the top photo (they’d be about 100 now) would be so proud of the hardchaws afraid to get a little pinch in the arm l, what with the 1 in 100000 chance of complications with it :joy:


As I said is omicron just this years common cold? The common cold is a coronavirus. Hearing loads of people getting positive tests with no symptoms worse than the cold. Compared to delta or alpha its a kitten of a virus

No deaths from it yet? Anywhere

By god

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Uncle Sam has it cracked

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Great news on both fronts.


We had alpha in the house last Christmas that was a roaring :lion: Omicron is a small kitten alright in comparison

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The lag is getting laggier


I say we’re due a YEEEIS ARE ALL WRONG post soon.


Could lads possibly just get on with things and see how things pan out?

There’ll a mass of posters with nothing else to whinge about if this cunt of a pandemic ever finishes.

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Sure the skyrocketing of cases is only starting now

7000 cases today. Did I hear that right?

Handkerchief sales will go through the roof


Omicron officially around since late November probably here well before then hospital numbers were 684 on November 24 390 today ICU from 132 to 98 in a similar timeframe case numbers are fast becoming irrelevant we’ve been running 4-5k on average in this timeframe and numbers dropped c40%. The impact of boosters and the known fact that Omicron is a lot less severe all having an effect.


You did indeed, over the mystical 7k mark.

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