You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Glad to hear you’re doing well pal… Mind yourself and at least there’s football on all weekend to enjoy!

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Best of luck with it bud. Hope it doesn’t fuck up your Christmas too much.


The WhatsApps and calls have been busy today. Many many people we know have a case or two in the wider family that impacts tomorrow. So far so good here but I have a risk just notified in the last 10 minutes :disappointed:

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It’s savage over here. My eldest girl positive on a LFT earlier. Waiting on PCR result. Shame for the young to be missing the few big nights out of the year and we’ll all have to keep away from my mother just in case.

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The young fella’s girlfriends family have gone down with it. The mother and the daughter are anti vaxxers and they got it first and have now given it to the vaccinated father. And this is the wan that wants to study medicine next year.


Stop testing you cunts. Drive on.


Did you get home to County Clare?

It’s mad the diversity in opinion out there. All you hope for is that people actually take a moment to think about their decisions and not just march like sheep out a gap.


Whats your genuine view on it, mate?

For me, I would recommend the vaccines for people at risk. 100%. But after that, I honestly believe it should be a private personal decision for anyone and or their family to decide upon.

The demonisation of the unvaxxed as some sort of lunatic fringe group of society is totally wrong. From a moral perspective the vaccine is abhorrent. It is also abhorrent from a scientific perspective.

But, onwards we go.

Happy Christmas, mate.



The sweat is pouring out of me here. Lovely bit of mass on rte1


That’s exactly my view on it too. A personal decision, nobody’s business no more than any other medical information.


You’d swear the youngsters were off fighting a war with the “nights out” they’re missing…
It’s all about me me me of course.
If the fuckers weren’t out partying the last year….


You are only young once and this is the second Christmas lost. It’s all very frustrating. I think 99 percent of people accept the whole thing has been handled terribly and there’s very little logic being used which adds to the frustration.


Omicron is only a cod we had 2 struck down with Alpha last Christmas that was a proper virus


Christmas is a pile of wank.

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Linda McCartney was a devout vegan…she died if cancer.

Tippo, will you do me a favour and quote the full post and also watch TG4 on Stephens day at 4pm.

The Munster final from 2019 will be a fantastic watch , I’m looking forward to it. Ye cunts could not be bate enough vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Most normal youngsters are having house parties and getting on with it from what I can see. They couldn’t give a fuck about covid, they are invincible at that age and so they should be.