You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Because the great majority of adults in Ireland (>95%?) have either been vaccinated or have had Covid or both, so you have high levels of population immunity. Even though antibodies fade allowing breakthrough infections or reinfections, there are other aspects of immunity (T cells, B cells) that persist and kick in after infection to prevent serious disease developing for the majority of people. The pool of people susceptible to serious disease requiring hospitalization continues to decrease as immunity builds.


What time is Dr Tony giving his Christmas message?


He gave that this morning while you were counting your Titans winnings :clap:

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Feliz Navidad to one & all.


3 pm tomorrow


1.7m people had Covid in UK in last week.

Just over 8,000 in hospital.

By end of December it’ll be interesting too see how cases translate to hospitalizations.


Its a miracle that the proper flu has vanished again this winter. So far anyway…

Unbelievable stuff.

The hospitial admissions surely have to be the main number covered going forward. The daily PCR case numbers now should be clear to everyone - they’re of no use in determining anything of note.


Have you a crystal ball that sees two to three weeks into the future?

Problem with hospital numbers will be a huge number of admissions for other ailments testing positive when they didn’t know they had it. This will then be used to justify further restrictions and lockdowns. Youngest is fully recovered today not a hint of a sniffle and now we are house bound🤦‍♂️


That’s insane.

I don’t. But, isnt it obvious that there will be a surge of hospital admissions in January - just like every other January pre covid.

You don’t need to be a simpleton underpants sniffer on the internet like your good self to predict that.

Did the HSE contact you yet for your booster by the way?

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Take regular antigen tests, once she stops testing positive on those she is no longer infectious


Can we have a moratorium on this thread for Christmas?



Get out and about lad ffs

I’m just getting on with things as best I can.

If my opinion agrees with a popular public opinion, I’m an underpants sniffer? Strange analogy

You are entitled to tug the bollocks off yourself, it’s just bizarre that you expect others to follow your logic when we can do fuck all about it.

Happy Christmas you mad cunt. :grinning:

Settle lads.


Many happy returns pal.

I don’t expect anyone to follow my logic to be fair. I just find it difficult not to call out the absurdity of this cod but I am trying given its Christmas.

Hope all is well with you and yours sincerely.

Signing in.

Was a fair belt of a flu yesterday. Not too bad today. Will chance an espresso bleach martini.