You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This is Delta on steroids

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The early evidence suggests this variant may well be significantly vaccine evasive. Only time time will tell exactly how evasive in terms of symptoms, illness or worse it might be.

The vaccines arenā€™t worth a shite against a virus that will give you a bit of a flu if you are under 50.

You absolute melts.

Time to let it just rip through , weā€™re not able to contain it ā€¦


A young chap collapsed during training in a soccer club near me and passed away, the poor chap was only 15. He wasnā€™t vaccinated either but it was 7 years ago.

Plus fucking One.

If the virus frightens you, stay under your bed. If it doesnā€™t go out and get on with your life.

Thereā€™s a lot of people who simply donā€™t like to see others enjoying themselves.


Thereā€™ll be another and then another ā€¦ buy in needs to be 100% to eradicate it and youā€™re never getting that ā€¦


This exactly.

A shame the same shriekers never cared when flu killed.

Where were all of them decrying the situation in 17/18?


We get explicit advice, or implicit advice.
(Please read in the voice of Lionel Hutz)

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Point proven.

If you were able to then you would but you canā€™t.

Ah yeah, I canā€™t see any problem with that.

That attitude is like telling people on the coast of a Caribbean island to ignore an oncoming hurricane and carry on as normal.

I can see a problem with it but I canā€™t see much other solutions unfortunately ā€¦

Bennett gave a great speech there pre - shabbat ( starts in Jerusalem at 3-56 PM local today ending at 5-14PM tomorrow) that we need to consider limiting gatherings as Hanukah approaches

FYI here are the Shabbat times today

jerusalem 3-56pm

Tel aviv - 4-15pm

haifa 4-04pm

i used to love the early shabbat times in the winter, place really winds down before dark nice an early on Friday afternoon, monsoon rain and wind storms battering tel aviv and that great feeling of getting ready to head out drinking around 5pm

I donā€™t know how the religious folk do it, there are 613 rules that you need to abide be in the Talmud, some of them donā€™t even allow their kids draw, in those mad areas like Bnei Brak and Mea Shaā€™arim they actually blockade the roads so cars cannot enterā€¦ all to do with not using energy to work- they have ovens on a timer to keep warm so they donā€™t need to turn them on or off , lights have timers that go off at certain timeā€¦ mad stuff altogther

Youā€™re so right. We need to do absolutely nothing. Inaction is true action.

Memento mori

Sometimes thereā€™s a lot to be said for doing nothing.

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LegoBrixx club is OFF tonightā€¦


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In these uncertain times it is of some comfort to see some things remaining constant. Anti vaxxers continuing to show their absolute stupidity by highlighting unvaccinated people who collapse as a reason not to get vaccinated.