You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Have we managed to pin climate change on them yet?

2025 will the dawn of the old age.

Fuck sake. Hybrid virus. Hybrid cars. The country is fucked so it is.

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Sidney assured us viruses didnā€™t work by getting less dangerous as each varient became more transmissible. Maybe heā€™ll be right in 2022.


Itā€™s just a double infection of flu and Covid, itā€™s not a new virus.
Itā€™s in a young unvaccinated pregnant woman. This woman should probably be killed to prevent the flurona from spreading.

Good to see some of the slow learners are finally coming around to this.

Sadly we will have Herr Holahan leading the govt on a merry dance and closing down or severely restricting society on an annual basis for the next few years.

If the country is not fully open with the most minimum of restrictions such as mask in healthcare settings by mid February then you can forget about 2022 as well.


Was thinking of trying that. It is like a head cold/stroke mild flu. The worst side effect was one night not been able to sleep.

Iā€™d hope thereā€™s not many of us still the same person we were 20 years ago. Life is about learning and growingā€¦ Justin is winning on that front.

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Colm Parkinson (@Woolberto) Tweeted:
Iā€™m old enough to remember when the flu killed people in winter and hospitals were always overwhelmed and no one gave a shit. We must have been animals back then

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Make It Rain Money GIF


The lads in the troika will be back in a few years


Christ the sales of tonic water will be off the charts


I suspect the HSE are nowhere resourced enough to be texting nominated close contacts right now?!

Fortress Bod has finally fallen I am the last one to fall today antigen positive thatā€™s it now all 4 of us are now super immune between vaccines boosters and infection. HallelujahšŸ¤£


Best of luck to you

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Mind yourself kidā€¦

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Can you assure us they do?

Why was Delta more virulent than Alpha?

Oh they are yeah. All my close contacts got a text

Not a bother to ya Iā€™m surešŸ’Ŗ. But best of luck anyway

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All good slight stuffy nose Iā€™ll survive I reckon :beer: going down well

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