You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Gerry hanging in there like a Japanese soldier in the deepest jungle.


Heā€™s dug in

Itā€™s amazing how people dig in on their own side against all logic. Iā€™m guilty of it too. But to argue for zero covid and Iā€™d say a million people in isolation its comical Ali shit


Start swinging those Hurleys

Some apologies in order

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Not really. Developing and rolling out a new vaccine for Omicron, vaccinating the world with it, and reducing the R rate to basically nothing seems pretty sensible.

al gore internet GIF

Ron de Santis will be the next president :us: I wouldnā€™t vote for him but if he runs he wins

I voted for Biden last time but no question De Santis has had a great Covid

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anybody but that cunt trump


Iā€™m currently in the great State of Florida and the people are fully behind Ron, Casey and the herd immunity policy.



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Will we break 25k in a single day this week?

We will if you and your ilk play your part and go out there and get it

The daily case figures are limited by testing capacity.

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If they test more than 50k yea

I see the new thing is apes all over social media wishing each other a ā€œspeedy recoveryā€ perfectly healthy lads sitting at home drinking cans for a week whilst they battle this savage illness


Huh? I have covid.

Nearly there now.

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