You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Serious sample size there


Heā€™s far from daft.
Heā€™s just after getting into a habit of speaking in that fashion to make himself more understandable to the schoolkids,Iā€™d wager and he kinda forgot himself for the interview.

Either that or hes fuckn stoned out of his tree.

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Mark is not taking the demise of Conor Riocht very well. Iā€™m sure David Higgins, Sarah Jane Murphy and Sarah Carey will give him a retweet for moral support.

I heard cha used to drink a fair sup. He mightā€™ve pulled a muscle in his brain or something.

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Thereā€™s a bang of jihadi John off him


Is the architect Covid expert gone anti vaccine now ?


Vintage TFK right there ā€¦ 1.4 billion people gone under the bus due to one workplace interaction ā€¦ take a bow son ā€¦:rofl:


They had it coming. Your one in Intel gave @Perez2017 a dirty look and he drew a red line through the lot of them. Canā€™t say fairer than that.


James Cha Fitzpatrick - he won a few all Irelandā€™s with KK and Ballyhale and captained KK to an All Ireland. Heā€™s living, married and teaches in China these days.

Whatā€™s an expat?

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Thomas Brady

Itā€™s what Brits call emigrants.

No way. This is a fella who has taken the noodle soup good and proper. Itā€™s full blown Stockholm syndrome. Iā€™d wager any money you like that the mother in law lives with him and decides whats what.



and he thought Brian Cody was a tyrantā€¦


Uncleā€™s funeral yesterday. Caught the Chinese flu two weeks ago, not vaccinated. Letā€™s just say certain people were in his ear. Spent 11 days in hospital, final four in HDU before departing us last Friday evening. Bloody tough going on my aunt and cousins. The kindest father and wittiest man one could meet. What makes it even more needless is my aunt got it too and was fine - and she has as many underlying health issues as him. Difference being she is fully vaccinated.

I was the last person to see him before he slipped into coma. It was fucking horrendous to see him trying to fight off death, he got so agitated but still lucid, each breath taking a tremendous amount of effort. All I could do was hold his hand and tell him we all loved him. The fact he lasted for 11 days, having had a history of 12 stents and a stroke inside the last year, was something of a minor miracle.


Sum Ting Wong Fitzpatrick

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who is actually running craggy island?


Global Vaccine Plus is a load of horseshit as they know billions of people canā€™t be arsed taking it. Itā€™s ZC by another name, their real goal has always it being them who beat Covid.