You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

No mate. The boosters are for covid, not a cold.

Omicron seems to be the best vaçcine we could have ever hoped for lads.

I’ve still never caught covid as an unvaccinated citizen. Proud of that especially as I got into a few pubs over Christmas without any cert in Limerick over Christmas. Was great to meet up with childhood friends for the first time in ages.

I’m sincerely hoping 2022 willl be a better year with all the bullshit restrictions lifted.

Open it up ta fuck. We need to live lads.


Has there been an addendum to the tweet of how the guy sticking the nasal swab up her nose commented on how beautiful she was and asked for her number? Followed by how inappropriate and degrading she found the whole experience. This usually garners plenty of attention and more unsolicited shoulders to cry on through her DM’s.


The lad with the Horns is a coming for you,champ.

I agree with @Thomas_Brady post above.

Everyone needs to come together now and tell Nphet and this clownshoe government that enough is enough.

We are either taking the Chinese Communist party line on our lives or we’re not lads.

It is a simple as that. Grab a hold of yer balls and fucking man up and say enough is enough.

Greatest cod of aĺl time.

Are ye fucking cunts going to let ye’re kids put up with this?

Are ye fucking men at all.

Are pubs enforcing the 8.00 closing? I left the pub at 11.30 last Saturday. Country pub.

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Why does she need to go to the test centre? Surely a positive antigen test and then stay home. All these people running for PCR tests when they get a positive antigen, are they hoping for a different outcome?


Its to get the recovery cert

@Barname I’m back testing negative again. How do I get my recovery cert?

It depends on town to village and pub to pub but most pubs are closing doors at 8 with last service at 10.30-11.30 depending on how they are feeling.

Still a total nuisance.

11 days after the PCR test you can apply and then you get it in an email

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Isn’t that just ideal.

You’re an awful weasel in fairness.

It’s very handy alright. All done and dusted in a minute.

When is it you’re holding the big protest outside Leinster House? Or have you ever actually done anything about it?

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Not rolling up my sleeve should say enough, kid.

Thats all I have to do.

I’ve never had a problem with anyone who has being vaccinated.The vast majority of my family and friends are. Thats their choice to make they’re entitled to do so, absolutley.

My issue with the vaccines has always been their rushed nature, knowing that a respitory virus willl mutate.Transmission and immunity were never on the table. I’ll be honest on top of the new mRNA tech. I was very skeptical of them.

They have not been tested enough to know what impacts they may have going forward in relation to ADE or any number of adverse events.

There is genuine discussion now that the vacinated are actually at more risk of catching Omicron than the unvacinated. Why is that?

That in of itself should lead to a pause of universal vaccination of children, in my opinion.

The vaccine passports need to be abolished asap too. The rationale for them and PCR tests coming into Ireland is not there at all.


I remember around a month after the covid first hit rte had a Skype with the Chinese asking them how to deal with the virus . It was like a Jew asking a Nazi guard how to escape from the camp.



Not just for travel either.

Surely we can agree the vaccine passports to stop the spread of covid is a complete cod, as the vaccine doesn’t stop an infected vaccinated person from transmitting the virus.