You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Would you not just go and get one? A booster like.

3 month lag between infection and booster


I got the two of them in the same week. #efficency


You can go back to the place you caught it on Stephen’s day. I doubt they’ve ever asked anyone for a cert.


Your best bet is to go to establishments that don’t ask for a covid cert. There are plenty of them and there will be more. Due to current restrictions I can’t imagine uptake of booster to reach the levels of initial vaccine program especially those who did so out of convenience. Most people who don’t have a goldfish memory will see through todays comments and latest attempts at blackmail. This virus will have run through the population by February. The notion of applying vaccine boosters on top of recently acquired and recovered from infection is mindless. Will they enforce vaccine certs for 5-11 year olds in cinemas, restaurants and hotels where only a tiny fraction of that cohort have registered for a vaccine in the first place? The vaccine cert failed in its primary aim to stop transmission. I expect major pushback and it to become completely untenable purely and simply because there is no logic behind them.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ah he’s timed it well so. He’ll need some kind of booster before championship.

A wan on wan, 11 day gap for me

You were badly missed here for a few months. One of the few posters worth reading on this topic.

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Thanks for the kind words. There are plenty of good contributors on the topic. I didn’t have a chance to go through the 4 odd thousand unread posts. I imagine plenty of doubling down, back and forth and around in circles. All efforts and minds must now be on an exit plan in 2022. In last few days it has become clear society was not built to function this way. This notion of Isolation goes against every fibre of ones being. Common sense is belatedly beginning to prevail.


Any chance you could give me the names of some of them so I could doxx them out and get them shut down?

We did everything right as a family, we followed all their advice and guidelines yet we still got covid. We still got sick. We’ve been lied to . The people are waking up and will soon rise up.

Contact your GP. You can still do one rapidly enough and be positive before your symptoms finish up.

Slow learners like yourself are finally coming around to the views of those you have abused for the past year.

An apology from you wouldn’t go astray.



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Restaurants are the only awkward places for this cert thing.

Any pub that’s worth going to don’t enforce them.

Surely, SURELY, they won’t be enforcing boosters for a cold that most of us have already had?

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Sense and reason left town a long time ago

Yeast infections?

A lot to unpack here.